Down day

Didn’t get a damn thing accomplished today – matter of fact I may have got less than that done…… can you do that ? Something I may have to look into in my golden years….  😉  Anyhow…. I digress……. My Queen had a tough night last night. She has managed to come up with some kind of hacking cough that she couldn’t stop and it started shortly after she went to bed. She was up most of the night coughing, so she didn’t get a lot of sleep. Her cough has been slowly dwindling away today, and she has been napping off and on through out the day. So I bottle-assed around the apartment trying to find things to do — you know, like find a place to live…. that kind of stuff, and try to be quiet during naps times.   Couple of challenges….. First, it’s Saturday…. so the vast majority, no – every friggin one – of the people I need to chat with, is off for the weekend…… Dammit Emmit~!

Two, as you have probably heard me mention already….. we have the absolute worst internet we’ve ever had since starting our epic little journey. I get that the whole island is struggling with having a decent internet, but I some how suspicion…. this cheapo condo we’re in, didn’t sign up for the top of the line internet service.   I had a 2 hour period where I couldn’t even get mail to come up, THIS BLOG, FB or anything else for that matter…… I will definitely have to look into options once we get our own place……. While I may not be a tech guru – I have become (like the rest of us) quite reliant and dependent on it. I hate that~~~

Anyhow…… what I’m getting at, is that getting less than anything done – also included getting out and about….. so really no new tales today and no new pictures today……. but because you looked me up and read my last 300+ words — I should have something for you to look at….. so I’ll pull up some the better shots I have and hopefully tomorrow brings something a bit more entertaining….

Good night ya’ll…….

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Frederiksted, St. Croix USVI

Spent the first half of the morning talking with realtors and trying to find a place to live…. still no luck – Dammit Emmit~!  Got as much done on line as I could do, so we loaded up into the bus and headed for the far West end of the island…. Frederiksted, the other big city on the island. Town was actually much smaller than what I had envisioned. One big cruise ship in port. Not sure if it was a regular cruise ship or the one that was being used to house all the lineman and FEMA workers who are now snatching up every friggin’ parcel on the island. We cruised around town for a little bit then set out to ‘find’ our way back to the condo. What we wound up finding, was ourselves on the top of one of the biggest mountains on the island, on a small path like road that led to pretty much nowhere. The road deteriorated enough, I didn’t want to risk trashing the bus, so I backed up til I found a spot big enough to turn around and headed back down the mountain. Wound up in a little town I had no idea where it was, so reached out to Siri to get our ass back to where we needed to be. Another perk of being here… having a phone service that works~! Siri led us straight back to our condo…. yay Siri~!

Got back, had a couple of drinks and decided dinner was in order. Queen wanted to go back to the little hang out we found yesterday and in under 10 minutes was sitting at the bar at Blues Backyard BBQ. Friday night and the place was hopping. We had a couple of drinks and finally ordered some chow. Angie really like my Brisket sammich I had the other day, so she got one of them and I was in the mood for some hotdogs. I was hoping they would be the Big-Un’s that I had an itch for, but they weren’t. (Gonna have to add 214’s to the list of things to get when we ever go back to Indiana to visit, along with Turoni’s pizza) Live and learn. Angie says the brisket was just as good as yesterdays. Finished our dinner, had a couple more drinks, hung out and met a dozen friendly people who all welcomed  us to the island and offered lots of good tips to finding places.  Yessir — I really think we’re gonna be happy here~!

Not sure what tomorrow brings….. I haven’t been salty in a while — may have to do a little snorkeling here in that gorgeous bay right outside our window  😉

Good night ya’ll…………….

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

Hard to tell it here, but all the white spots are butterflies….. 100’s of them~




2nd full day………….

After our standard get started coffee and breakfast, we decided to head out and see some of our new home. Wow– beautiful island~! There is still a lot of evidence of hurricane Maria….. sad to see, but the island folks are doing a mind blowing job of getting the island back up to shape. Am actually looking forward to helping with that effort.  First destination was the local grocery store, anxious to see if we were going to have to deal with the shopping effort like from the past 3 islands…… [insert brilliant sun beams and a heavenly choir singing] it was just like any store you’d go to at ‘home’…… you could read all the labels, all the brands looked familiar, everybody spoke English…… I was almost was giddy walking through that store~! (we came back later for actual shopping) Then headed out for Kmart [believe it or not] and even more unbelievably, drove straight to it. Noticed on the drive, the country side was lush with actual green grass and trees (albeit Palm trees)…… I swear – it was like driving around Southern Indiana…… well, except it was 85° and sunny – and surrounded by gorgeous blue water. Amazing~! Wandered around Kmart and picked up a couple of items we were looking for, then jumped back into the ‘bus’ (yea we got another one) and headed back for the house.  We both decided it was time for a drink and a cigarette…… Spotted this small little hutch kinda deal sitting off on the side of the road that looked inviting, so we whipped in and sat down at Blues Backyard BBQ. The guys running the place were [almost] weirdly friendly – but we found during our small out and about today, ALL the people on the island are outwardly friendly. We sat down, ordered a drink and enjoyed the smell of a grill going at full tilt. The place proclaimed to have the best BBQ and burgers on the island since 2014. We sat and had probably 2 more drinks than we should have, when I told Eddy that I need to try out his brisket…… sammich came up in record time…… and I begrudgingly had to tell him it was good… DAMN good….. Dammit Emmit~!  I hate having to tell someone they are as good [or better] than I am making something on a grill.  We sat there and had that wonderful Brisket burger and a couple more drinks and met some very friendly and a couple of amazing people. Hated to leave, but I still had to drive back to the house (on the LEFT side of the road) and figured I’d better keep a couple of my wits about me…….

Gonna leave it here and TRY and load a couple more pictures…… we have probably the worst internet we’ve ever had, since starting our little adventure, but being here…. I’m good with that~!

More tomorrow- Good night ya’ll……………………….

One doesn’t discover new lands without losing sight of the shore.

We made it~!!!

Can’t wait to try this stuff~!

(Beer Season…. Open all year …. No Limit)   😉

Ain’t NEVER gonna get used to this~!

Stoppin’ for a moke break……

Words to live by…………

Local entertainment – can’t wait to check them out

Sunrise at our current place~~

FINALLY on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Wow – when I said it was gonna be a long day yesterday, I didn’t know the half of it. Jeez Louise….. 3 countries in 1 day…. including a butt numbing 5+ hour layover in Miami. Finally on St. Croix~!!!  Got our car, finally figured out how to lay the friggin’ seats down and got our luggage loaded. Thankfully, the property manager of the place we’re staying at, met us at the airport so we could follow them back to the complex and I am soooo glad…. tired, at night on an island this big – I would probably still be driving around looking for the place. Got into the unit, received all of the instructions and finally got the place to ourselves shortly after midnight….. being mostly pitch black we couldn’t see much of anything, so we sat on the patio, enjoyed some much wanted nicotine and had a couple of drinks, smelling that salt air and enjoying a nice cool sea breeze. Sure made up for that long day. Came in and took our showers and slid into bed a little after 02:00  (that’s 2 in the morning for all you civilians out there).

Woke up shortly after 07:00 (had to whizz real bad) and once I looked out the window – I was up~! Beautiful blue waters almost right outside the window~! I was a little bit worried that the water here wasn’t going to be as pretty as the last couple places we’ve been – but thankfully, the water is every bit as gorgeous as the pictures we had been drooling over for this past couple of years.  YAY~!! Walked outside to smoke a cigarette and smell the air in that fabulous breeze. Man-0-man…. Palm trees, nice little sand beach….. yessir, I think we’re gonna like it here.

Unit we’re staying in has some room for improvement….. air conditioning doesn’t work near as good as it should (but supposedly going to be fixed), there is NO TV reception…. nice TV in the unit – just no cable service….. not at all happy about that and am being told, probably ain’t gonna happen before we leave out of here… nope – damn sure ain’t happy about that. Also the washer and Dryer in the complex is shot – damaged from flooding sea water….. not very friggin’ happy about that either……but have come to expect some of this from experience from our previous adventures. We’ll adapt and keep moving forward. Live and learn (and wear their ass out on TripAdvisor!)

Now in the process of looking for a permanent place to live~!!  Yay~!! Bad news is, is that with the influx of all the linemen from the states and now a big wave of folks from FEMA – there are damn few places open to rent….. CraP~!  And the ones that are available are ridiculous expensive now – which throws a very large wrench into my rent budget – but here again….. we’ll figure something out  [I hope, damn sure don’t want to have to go back to the weather back home].

Also on the list of needs improvement is the internet….. blazingly slow (ya gotta love island life though) so learning to deal with it as well — just not sure if it will let me load any pictures….. enough for tonight……

Never take a dink offered to you by a Urologist……..


Leaving Miami International Airport

Leaving Miami

Leaving Miami

Leaving Miami

“Our” beach

One for Alex~~  😉

(I got tired of waiting for the rest of the pictures to load — more tomorrow)



On our way~!

Was greeted by a beautiful Orange sunrise this morning, getting up early to catch our flight to Curacao. Took some razzle dazzle, but finally made it on to a flight to Curacao after several schedule changes. Love that flight…. 16 minutes from wheels up to touchdown~! They should all be like that except for the gouging we took leaving the island. Found out about $140.00 worth of taxes that had to be paid on the “fully paid” rental car….. and wound up having to shell out $ 360.00 for our baggage to go back to Curacao. (Tickets for us were only $86.00… guess I should have just bought seats for our luggage)  Funny, it was only $40.00 going to Bonaire for the same set of luggage…… Sure hope I don’t get stuck with that again going to St. Croix~! That hurts~! Anyhow, settled in here on Curacao [again] into our hotel. Took a shafting on that too, not getting the room I was supposed to get – but I won’t bore you with the details… you can read about it on Trip Advisor if you want  😉      Settled down and relaxed in our room now – gonna hit the hay early~ish – have to be up by 5:00 to get back to the airport. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day for us….. including a 5+ hour layover over in Miami and not landing in St. Croix until 9:05, then still have to get a car and drive across the island (in the dark) to find our next place…… yessir – gonna be a long day. Doubt if I get anything put up tomorrow – but we’ll see.

Good night ya’ll~~

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving

Check out the name of the type of aircraft  😉


View for lunch~




Last day on the island……

Spent the last day on the island lounging around the apartment and slowly gathering our stuff and starting to pack. I thought a lot about everything we’ve done here on Bonaire and feel like we ’bout covered most of the island.  Also thought quite a bit about what we’ve done the past 3 months or so. It’s been quite the experience, but as much fun as we have had and the number of great things we’ve seen and done….. I’m ready to settle in somewhere. Note I said settle in — not settle down. Some kind of roots though will be nice. A place to call home, a place where our kids, Grandkids and friends can come to visit. A place to come back to when we go out checking out other islands~!!

Got a couple of big days in front of us tomorrow and Tuesday. Will be in 4 countries in 2 days. Three of those countries covered in 1 day. I love to travel, but that is a lot….. but looking forward to it. Especially getting to St. Croix~! The real adventure starts then~!!

Not sure if I’ll get anything put out tomorrow or Tuesday night – but will try. I appreciate you all checking in and all your comments. Hopefully many, many more adventures to share with you.

Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.


Nothin’ special…………

Spent most of the day piddling and getting things in line for the big move. Tomorrow will be our last day on the island so it will be spent packing and prepping, making sure we don’t leave anything behind, so not sure if I’ll have anything for tomorrow and this is gonna be it for tonight.

Thankx for checking in………….


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Mani-pedi’s and dinner~~

Bottle-assed around the house for the first half of the day working on lining up things for our impending move. It got to be mid-afternoon and I felt bad because my Queen had been ‘stuck’ in the house most of the week. I asked her if she wanted to do something…. she mentioned going to the beach but after I reminded her about the wind (blowing like hell today and it stirs up the water real bad, plus kinda feels like you’re being sand blasted laying out there) so she opted out of it. I knew she had been wanting a mani-pedi – so I suggested that. She liked the idea and asked if I would have one with her……. as much as I didn’t really want to – I said sure~!   We went to a local salon and set through about an hour and 45 minutes of having our feet rubbed and hands and all that other stuff done. No – I did not get polish on any of my nails – the woman doing me didn’t even offer. Which kinda depresses me because I was going to get a shark, or something else cool painted on my big toe nail. Had that done once – and actually kind of liked it…. oh well, maybe next time. Guys, if you’ve never hand it done – try it, really not that bad and a great way to get a fairly decent foot rub~! They rub you calves with hot rocks and oils and then do your feet. Nice~! I wasn’t real shot in the ass about the manicure part – but here again, you get your fore arms rubbed and your hands massaged with warm oil…. It’s not terrible, and your wife might even be happy you’re doing something with her…….might.

Left the salon and there was a restaurant we have not tried yet, next door and being hungry by that point we moseyed on in……. No big ships in town for the next couple of days, so you can get in about anywhere on the island now without a reservation. Sat on an open air deck, looking out over that gorgeous water, watching the sunset and talking about how bad it must suck to be back in Indiana dealing with a freakin’ blizzard~! Then we laughed…… 😉  The sunset was just absolutely mind bending though…… Colors like you cannot believe…. I couldn’t talk long enough (if I wanted to) to try and describe that kind of beauty~! I ordered a Portobello mushroom stuffed with a bunch of different cheeses for an appetizer…. Entrée, I opted for a Seafood Pescator  (spaghetti with clams, shrimp, squid and scallops in it with an Alfredo sauce) Wonderful~! My bride had the catch of the day (Mahi Mahi) which by the way was fantastic. Washed it all down with beer and wine and topped it off by splitting a piece of Key Lime pie.  We really are Living the Dream….. and loving every minute of it. You should really try it………… really…..  😉

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.




Guess what I did today~~ : )

( Just read this – a little longer than most – but I think you’ll enjoy it)

Another day of class room training and LOTS of underwater application today.  I had to complete my wreck dive book section….. dive has already been done…. I had to test on diving in Deep Water and test on Peak Performance Buoyancy (in a nut shell – how well you can control your sinking and floating) — Book work was a little tougher than I thought but passed them. Went out on first dive to field test on operating in deep water (deep water is 60′ – 130′) — swam out and descended to just below a 100′ and sat down on the sea floor. Instructor handed me a small clip board and I had to write my name down – backwards. (nieH mailliiW) The pressure and oxygen you’re breathing at that depth can do some funny things to you, but after thinking about it briefly, got it done with no issues. Clip board returned to me with a math problem on it…. 5 + 2 x 3 = ?    I returned the clipboard with my answer of 30….. yea, yea, yea…. I know, that is not correct – but in my defense, it was dark, I couldn’t focus all that well on the clipboard and was holding the clipboard a little bit sideways and the “+” looked like a “x”.  Instructor believed me when I explained my ‘old man’ eyes and answered the equation correctly (21).  Then a board was produced that had 6 colored squares and I had to write the color of each underneath the squares…… really messed up how red colors change under water. This was not really a pass or fail test as everybody’s eyes are different. Just shows you the effect of what your eyes see underwater.

After an hour and a half surface interval, we went to second dive site for the Peak Performance Buoyancy underwater application. I think my instructor had some fun with me on this one, as he really put me through the paces, plus I also think the little turd was showing off as well….  ; )   I didn’t have to do the hover, as I unintentionally did that on the previous dive during our 3 minute safety stop (you have to ‘hold’ at 15′ for 3 minutes before coming up to cut down on your chance of getting the bends) – so this dive started out by touching the tip of my fins on the sea floor and floating my body at a 45° angle. Instructor then pulled one of his weight pockets off and handed it to me. I had to maintain that 45° angle while holding the extra weight. I had to regulate my floating with air in my lungs – I was not allowed to use my BC (Buoyancy Compensator). He then took those weights and I had to maintain the angle, and he handed me even heavier weights, then keep the angle when I handed them back (by exhaling) – next came kissing the bottle. He had an empty water bottle suspended by a string to a weight. Bottle was suspended about 3′ off the bottom. I had to approach the bottle and touch my regulator to it, without moving the bottle. Easy peezy~~! Then he lowered the bottle to 2’off the bottom. Had to do it again (without touching the bottom, or anything dangling off of me touching the bottom) Not quite so easy, but got it. Then he lowered the bottle all the way down to where it was touching the weight. Yeeesh…… Gathered everything (that dangles) and eased in. Not so easy peezy~! Proud to say I got it though….. It’s a good feeling to pull something like that off ~! Next was hoop diving…. about a 3′ circle and a 3′ x 3′ square had been mounted on the sea floor close to where we were kissing the bottle. Swam over and had to swim through the hoop without touching it. Nailed it! (I have done this a couple of times in freefall, so I was familiar with the concept) Swam out and turned around and done the same thing through the square…Nailed it! Then smart ass instructor, swam up to the top of the square, leaned over and did a flip and came through the square upside down and on his back. Then turned around and smiled……. so away I went….. I did it, wasn’t as smooth or polished as his version and I bumped my tank on the bottom coming through…. but I did it. (found out later that was not required – but what the hell)  Next we started passing a small missile shaped thing through the water while swimming around in circles. He would throw it high, low, out of range and I had to catch it. That was fun but I kinda felt like a dog chasing a ball – but caught all of the throws….. Last test…. There was a long stretch of rope (guesstimating it to be 4″, the size they use to tie up cruise ships in port) laying along the bottom. I had to take my fins off and ‘walk’ about 25′ down the rope, then turn around and ‘walk’ back.  I say ‘walk’, you’re actually hovering over the rope and touching your feet as you use your arms to move you along the rope. MUCH tougher than I would have thought.

FINALLY finished testing and got to explore a little bit, exercising some of my newly tested skills…..  Got out of the water and headed back for the truck.  Instructor said my buoyancy skills are pretty good for someone at my level… yay me  : )  As we approached the truck, he held a fist out for a bump – and said – Congratulations – you are now a certified Advanced Open Water Diver~! I guess he’s not that much of a turd~!  😉

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change.

Not much of a post tonight………..

Slow messed up day today chasing lost mail…… finally found it to discover some ‘meds’ from home and after much more hunting a beautiful picture from our youngest…… which automatically made it a good day for us~!! Didn’t do much else today, so not a lot to chat about – but more mail from home is always good~!

2 dives tomorrow and should hopefully complete my Advanced Open Water certification~! Time will tell…………

Goodnight ya’ll……….

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.