Woke up again early this morning…… still getting used to the new place and all. New sounds, smells, etc. We don’t have ferry lights blasting into our window anymore like we did in the last place – thank goodness — or the sounds of the trucks unloading the ferry — but we also do not have the stellar internet we had there either….. and that makes me sad. That was something I got used to really quick and am not adapting well to the menial effort our little hotspot is putting out. Ah yes, island life…….. anyhow …. got up early again and watched another gorgeous sunrise while listening to waves pound the beach right outside our door. Sitting there with a cup of coffee and a smoke is a great way to wake up in the morning. Pretty darn nice way to wrap up the day as well (swapping out the coffee for a drink) as we get some pretty spectacular sunsets here as well.
I finished my standard 1 cup of coffee and decided I was going out for a walk. I have gotten out of that habit the past couple of months or so as we bounced around trying to find permanent housing and with Lil Sis visiting and so fourth…… so I told my Queen – I would let her ‘wake up’ while I went out for a stroll. Strapped on my walking shoes and off I went happily taking pictures as I eased out into the just now waking up world. I get to actually see all the stuff I have been driving by while on my walks, as I’m dodging potholes, or people who are dodging potholes…… so I have the time to look around and actually start seeing some things most drivers don’t. I went by one of the schools that got torn apart by ‘the storm’ (Hurricane Maria)…… kind of eerie walking around looking at the building that is not savable and already starting to be taken over by Mother Nature. Sadly, vandals have moved in and already left their marks – even though some of the artwork was actually pretty impressive. I moved from there on to another big building complex that I understand was once “Section 8” housing. Much like the school – it looks to be pretty much un-savable and too already being consumed by Mother Nature. I would really liked to have seen these two big buildings before ‘the storm’ so I could have some kind of context. I took a couple of pictures, but probably ain’t gonna be able to get anything loaded….. I just barely got logged in here tonight. I headed on toward where I figured the coast was and soon popped out onto the beach. Fun looking spot that I was looking forward to checking out, but about that time – ‘Nature’ reminded me that I had not answered her call before I left for my walk, so I scurried on down the beach back to our place to tend to that matter.
After a wonderfully large breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage and biscuits & gravy — we retired to the couch for the bulk of the day to an impressive amount of dang near nothing…… I really do like being retired. : )
Good night ya’ll…………… Thankx for stopping in~! (wow – actually got some pictures to load~!! Walking pix later)

View to our living room

view from living room to kitchen

Master Bedroom

our backyard

view from back porch

Sunrise from our backyard

Sunrise from our backyard


Now it feels like home~~

Sunset from our back yard