Tuesday the 17th……….

After a rousing event about 04:45 this morning… I crawled back into bed and actually slept until 07:45…. and woke up without a headache or feeling like warmed over death~  OOh-Rah~!! Got up and had my normal routine for 30 minutes or so before my Queen joined me. Pretty quiet morning, making me my small breakfast and lounging the glorious life of someone who no longer has to work for a living. It really is a great way to live life~!

Finally got started after a long relaxing morning… we ran up to the local store for the staples…. eggs, milk, mix for hooch and hooch  😉  Came back and put everything away and took off for Blues. It had been several days since being up there and we felt the need to check in. Sat and had a couple or three drinks and got caught up on local events, before piling back into DD and coming back to the condo for some of that wonderfully conditioned air (Summer is in full swing here now). I filled out and signed a bunch of paper work for the new realtor getting ready to list the house again while my bride made me one of my most favorite dishes…. Spaghetti…. Yummers~! I ate enough for 4 people and enjoyed EVRY.SINGLE. BITE of it……  🙂    Relaxing now waiting for the apple pie cooking that is filling the place with a mouth watering aroma. Figured I get something up here for my readers while I waited, so when I gorge myself on pie – I can lay back on the couch and rub my over full belly and hopefully fade off into a blissful nap until bed time~!!

I got a lot of comments and questions on my pictures and video’s I put up yesterday from my pier dive. Probably the most often asked question I get is something to the effect of: “Aren’t you afraid of sharks/what would you do if you are confronted by a shark”. Honestly…. I don’t really think about it while I’m diving. I am constantly aware of my surroundings while I dive and I guess I figure, I’ll deal with it, if/when it happens. I have seen several sharks already while I have been diving and have actually chased them. Now if I run into one of the more aggressive sharks (Great White, Tiger, Reef, Black tip, etc.) it might be a different story. Don’t know. Again, I’ll figure it out when it happens. I’m not afraid of the possibility of it and will hope for the best when it happens. I have the proper training, and much like skydiving, feel comfortable, that I will be able to deal with it when it happens. In the meantime – I’m doing something that my Queen is comfortable with me doing….. I love every second I am under the water, and again, like Skydiving, would love to share my experiences with family and friends. For those of them [and you] that have no desire to try it —- I hope you get some of the experience from my pictures and videos. If you have questions — please — fire away, I’ll answer them as honestly as I can.

Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!

Banded Sea Lobster
Long spine Sea Urchin
Christmas Tree worms  (small white things)
Under the pier
Porcupine fish
Harlequin Bass ?
Hawksbill Turtle

All my other videos are too big to load on here, so you’ll have to check them out on FB if you want to see them ((sorry))


Starting the week off……

Rolled out of the sack this a.m. a hellva lot earlier than I intended to with a screaming headache, stomach cramps and having to whizz so bad I could almost taste it…… fortunately by the time I came out of the bathroom, almost all of that was gone. I walked out onto the patio and lit my first cigarette while I watched a plum of rain dropping from a large gray cloud over Buck island with a bright sunrise peaking out behind it. Wish I would have had my wit’s together enough to grab my camera — but like Dad always said….wish in one hand and $hit in the other and see which one fills up first. So that beautiful site is committed to the massive photo album in my brain. I came in, got a shot of OJ and sat down to catch up on the overnight events going on back in the world. A bit later my Queen came stumbling out, so I got up, started the coffee, gulped down a couple of aspirin with a large chug of water and went out to join her for her first smoke.

I spent the next couple of hours chatting with my Bride and catching up on news, FB and getting ready for another dive. This dive was considerably different from all other dives I have made so far. All my dives have been with a paid Dive Master leading the dive and taking care of all dive preparations. This one I was to meet up with an acquaintance and just be part of the dive. I had to get my own air, and weights. I took it one step farther, by going to a new dive shop to get the  air and weights. I guess getting older is starting to take a little toll on me…… Normally, being out of my element or comfort zone was no big deal…… I’d waltz into any new situation like I owned it and just plow my way through it. Pretty much did that this morning, but it was a lot more intimidating than I remember, but I did it…… guess I’m just gonna have to get out of that comfort zone a little more often and get back into the swing of it.

The dive turned out to be one of the most enjoyable dives I’ve had since I got on the island….. I wasn’t constantly chasing a guide – I got to bottle-ass around pretty much at my own pace — and I loved it. Tons of wildlife down there today….. visibility left a lot to be desired, but still managed some fun shots. Aside from a million fish, also got to see a beautiful Hawksbill turtle, lobster, flounder and a gorgeous sting ray~! I got some really good video of it, but afraid it’s to big to load on here so you’ll probably have to catch it on FB. I could on for another 500 words, but I’m gonna spare you. Will put up some pictures and see if I have a couple of videos small enough to put up on here.

{{{ Happy Birthday to my Sugar Pop }}}

Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!

White spotted Filefish — I think……
SCUBA selfie
Spotted Goatfish  (pink ones)

GOPR5557       <——– Flounder video

GOPR5578       <——- Large school of fish

GOPR5579       <——- Another large school of fish

Traffic hazard……..

An even lazier Sunday……

As predicted, today was slow – ate and watched the boob tube most of the day. Just finished up one good movie called A Quiet Place. A little bit out there, but still will keep you interested throughout the movie.

Got a dive scheduled tomorrow and then an afternoon call with the new realtor. Gonna put up some pix and try the last of my videos…. most of them have been too big to get them loaded on here, but I’ll try – you can see them on FB if I can’t get them on here.

Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping~!

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A Lazy Saturday~~

Woke up a hellva lot earlier than I wanted to this morning but rolled on out cause of the whole having to take a whizz thing. Beautiful sunrise as usual while watching the waves break onto our ever growing wall of Sargassum seaweed. Lazed around with coffee and catching up on the events going on back in the states. Had a nice big breakfast…. first one in a week….. I have opted to start doing the small breakfasts like I used to do when I was gainfully employed. It’s easier on the belly (and the budget) and may actually be a little better for me.

Chatted with a new realtor today about getting the house back up on the market. He sent a market analysis and thinks we are asking to much for the house. He also mentioned several other items that turned out to be a bit of a gut punch, but we have to face the harsh reality of it and move on. We really want and need to get the house sold. We have a call scheduled now for Monday to discuss terms, selling prices, etc. to be able to get it back up on the market. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

Watched the idiot box and just lounged the other parts of the day…. probably going to do more of that tomorrow as well – in the meantime – I still have a bunch of pix from the dive yesterday – so here ya go……

Good night Ya’ll …… and thankx for stopping in~!


GOPR5320     <— Video


Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Diving and rocking it out…….

Got up after one of my betters nights sleep. It’s so nice to wake up feeling rested and not like you’ve been beat with a bat……. made me a small breakfast and gathered up my gear and headed West to Frederiksted for a pier dive. Got to the dive shop, loaded my air tanks and weights and away we went. We were supposed to walk out to the end of the pier (about 3000′ feet) and bail in from out there and swim back, but the pier guard stopped us and told us that pier jumping was prohibited from 8:00 – 5:00 — well ain’t that a kick in the nads ??? Not a lot we could do about it – so we bailed in right where we were at and did a surface swim out to the very end of the pier. Don’t know if you remember, but I thoroughly despise surface swims….. but this one had to be done and was the longest one to date. It took almost 30 minutes~! Dammit Emmit~!  A little fun broke out about half way out. We heard this god-awful racket….. sticking our faces under the water we saw this massive school of huge Tarpon’s feeding…. something you don’t get to see very often~! I managed a couple of pictures and a video, but the water clarity on the surface left a lot to be desired, but you’ll get the idea. FINALLY got out to the end of the pier and started our descent… one of my favorite parts of a dive~! Lots and LOTS of fishes to look at. Saw some squids (small ones that were too quick for me to catch up to), a couple of lion fish, a big ole porcupine fish and a lobster….. very fun dive. I made it about half way back before I ran out of air and had to go to the surface, for yet another long a$$ surface swim back to the shore. That made my cardio for the week~! A fun and enjoyable dive. I took lots of pictures and video’s. I’ll put some of them up tonight and save some for the next couple of days in case I need it.

Came home, got a shower and spent the next couple of hours with my bride enjoying the conditioned air and beauty right outside our window. Decided to go up to Blues for dinner and to catch Electric Andy and his band. We saw him and his lead guitar player the night before  and they sounded decent – so wanted to hear the whole set up. Glad we did – the boys sounded pretty good. I said last night was the fullest I had ever seen Blues Backyard…… I stand corrected…. tonight is the fullest I have ever seen it. The band had the place rockin’. Got some pictures and video of them as well so you can hear them….. not sure if I’ll get it put up tonight or not….. but at least in the next day or two. That’s it for tonight – I hope you enjoy the pix and the videos tonight and for the next day or so.

Good night Ya’ll ……. Thankx for stopping in~!

Frederiksted Pier
Tarpon feeding frenzy.

Me not realizing I had the camera on video  😉



Under the pier.

Run around kind of day

Healed up from the previous day and a nasty bout of the bottle flu….. I lit out fairly early and ran up to Blues to touch up the couple of little items from my last 2 projects.  I also helped out with unloading a delivery of charcoal, got my 2 projects wrapped up, had a beer, donated a dollar to the shake and headed back to the condo. Came home, made me a burger and relaxed a little bit with my Queen before heading out again. I was in desperate need of a hair cut…. yeah, yeah, yeah…… I can hearing you laughing from here….. but even us bald guys like to keep the couple hairs we have trimmed up. My Queen dropped me off at the local barber shop and I went in and got my ears lowered. While I was doing that, she ran down to a local hardware store and picked up a handful of things we needed around the condo to keep it in good repair.

She picked me up and we headed back to the condo, stopping at the grocery store for a couple of essentials. Got back and I took care of the couple of things around the condo, a new towel bar in my bathroom and a door sweep for one of the doors. Trying to trap and save some of that premium conditioned air as we very recently found out, our current electricity bill is costing us about $ 436.00 a month. Yes – you read that correctly. Tie me to an ant hill and smother my ears in jelly~! Wow – so we have upped the thermostat a couple of degrees and installed a couple of door sweeps trying to see if we can bring that down a notch….. Yowsers~! That was definitely not factored into the budget……!!

My bride decided she wanted to get her oyster’s for dinner, so we cleaned up and went to a new place on the island called R.A.W. – they have oysters and crab legs. Two of my Baby’s favorites. Nice little place, only had a half dozen tables or so in it. Kind of got the impression they are wanting it to be one of them upscale hipster kinda places….. small portions and big prices. Food was good – but entirely over priced for what you got – but my Baby got her oyster’s – so it was worth it. We tried several items on the menu as well as several different drinks. Again, it was okay – but won’t go back again until my Queen wants oysters or crab legs again simply because of the cost.

Left there, stopped and picked up laundry that we had dropped off earlier in the day and stopped at Blues for a night cap or two. Good band playing, a ton of people. Probably the fullest I have ever seen it. Did find out during the lunch hour rush – some lucky little $hit hit the ‘Shake’ of the day……. it was up over $1500.00 – that would have came in real handy — Hell, we could have went back for more Oysters~!  😉

Dive at the Frederiksted pier planned for tomorrow – so hopefully a bunch of good underwater pictures for you~!!

(((Happy Birthday to my baby Sister – Nelia~!! )))

Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!

Menu at upscale hipster place

My Queen and her oysters~! (She was happy!)

My smoked Salmon IMG_6354     Video of the presentation of my Salmon

Dessert – truffles and custard something or other~~ Truffles were great…. custard kinda tasted like snot to me…..


Bottle flue and Corndogs~~

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk <shaking my head> Apologies on last night’s post….. when I say things got out of control….. that was the understatement of the day. Not sure but think maybe someone slipped me a rufie (sp?) and not in a fun way. We went to a meeting of a local dive club that I joined and it was held above a local bar.  (Pretty hard to go anywhere or attend any event on this island that alcohol is not available) We got there shortly before the meeting started and got us a drink and was just chatting with folks. I guess it didn’t help we went to Blues for an hour or so before we went to the meeting – but it was to get something to eat as well, so we wouldn’t get too messed up drinking…… yeah – that worked out well.  The meeting wore on and we kept ordering drinks. After the meeting was over, I met a guy about my age, retired Air Force with just about the same number of dives as I’ve got and I think he is interested in becoming my dive buddy. That would be great~! That way I can start making a dives for $6.00 a piece instead of the $60 – $90 a piece I’m making them for now and can start making a crap load more of them~!!! But anyway — life goes on.

My Queen and I both slept in a little bit and got up with a bad case of the bottle flu. I was supposed to go up to Blues this morning for some touch up work on my last two projects – but I could not manage to get away from the bathroom long enough to get anything more than smoking a cigarette done. So we sat and recovered all day. One of the things we do while we’re smoking, is to watch the ‘wildlife’ right there on the edge of our patio. I find it fascinating to watch the Blue back crabs digging their holes. They actually will pull up “armloads” of sand to the edge of the hole, then ‘throw’ it out of the way. I was never sure how I could explain it to you – but I managed to get some video of it. Just hope I can get them to load here — if not, you’ll have to go to FB to see them. Very, very cool. Yesterday, as it happened, turned out to be kind of a ‘critter’ day – as all the pic’s and videos are from yesterday.

After recuperating most of the day today – I wanted to try out a recipe I saw for making corn dogs. I love corndogs and could eat them everyday. Sadly, Nobody makes them here on the island – so I made my own. Not bad for a first attempt – even if I say so my damn self~! Now that I have that first batch under my belt, (BAA-HAaa… under my belt)  🙂  I’m looking forward to tweaking current recipe to make the next batch even better. I’ll just be sure to be careful about how many beers I have with them~!  😉

Good night Ya’ll — Thankx for stopping in~!

Crab, dining on another crab

Videos:IMG_6329 IMG_6330 IMG_6331 IMG_6334

A day without sunshine~

For the first time since we left the continental United States, which is coming up on almost a year — we had an entire day without a single ray of sunshine. It seemed almost unnatural….. We woke up this morning to a completely grayed out sky and lots and lots of rain. And it stayed that way, all the way through sunset. What once was Hurricane Beryl was making it’s approach to our beautiful island. It had since been downgraded to a tropical depression by the time it got here, but put on a pretty good show for such a “little storm”. Rains being whipped by 25-35 mile per hour winds kept us off the main patio most of the day, safely tucked into our little patio watching it. We were treated to the biggest surf on our beach that we have seen since we’ve been here. There were multiple occasions when we had what were easily 8′ waves rolling in. On most other days – we have 2′-3′ waves, with an occasional odd one at 4′ or so — but these were huge. I will confess for a very fleeting moment, I wondered how much ‘fun’ it would be to go out in the kayak and battle them, but common sense quickly prevailed as I thought about the last time I was out in the middle of that mess. Maybe 10 years and 30 lbs ago I might have  😉   So I guess there is at least a little bit of truth in the adage of getting smarter with age….. just takes some of us guys longer than others I reckon~~

I tried to get a couple of pictures and a video for you – haven’t looked at the pictures yet, but afraid they will not do justice to the power of those waves, but still you’ll get the idea. Really didn’t do much else. Watched a movie called The Commuter with Liam  Neilson — it wasn’t bad, not near as good as most of his stuff, but it was entertaining. Also watch The Burbs with Tom Hanks…. I can’t believe he would do a movie that stupid but I guess everyone is entitled to an occasional ‘Aww $hit‘…… Caught a couple more episodes of The Andy Griffith show – we’re into Season 2 now….The rest of the time was spent watching the storm blow by — by far more entertaining than anything we watched on the idiot box today~!

Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!

(Happy birthday to my Sister Leta – Love ya Sis~!)

IMG_6322      <—- Video



I got nuthin’……….

Did a whole wad of nothing today other than eat and watch the idiot box and got no new pictures for you…. yea, yea I know — I’m a slacker.  I’ll try and come up with something worth rambling about tomorrow………… sorry~~

Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!

Well I guess the least I can do is put up something to look at since you took the time to check me out…. enjoy some of these you may have not seen yet…………..