It just occurred to me as I sat down to do this, that this is Labor weekend. I commented to Angie that it would be a nice weekend to be back in the states as everybody will be getting together for parties and such. I guess the longer we are here [[and the older we’re getting]] having family around may be pulling a little harder on the heart strings than we when we first got here. Could also be that it’s been almost a week since I’ve been diving and I am bored out of my gourd~! Apparently, bored enough, sitting watching video’s on FB of the se smart a$$ punks that apparently have nothing better to do than go around “exercising the constitutional rights” and filming it all so they hopefully get enough followers to make them some easy money. At the same time they are aggravating the hell out of people just trying to live their own lives or get a job done. I watched enough and got aggravated enough I started leaving some comments exercising my constitutional right of freedom of speech. Apparently Mr. Zuuckerburg and his cronies found one of my comments offensive and throwed me into FB jail. So much for freedom of speech. All I did was comment that the individual in one particular video “someone needs to punch him in the mouth”. JAIL~!! Angie put a post up on FB for me, so I hope my folks see it and explains why I won’t have a post tonight…… I personally think it’s funny as hell and might start doing it a little more often, just to see if I can figure out ways around the system~! LOL
I have the chance to dive tomorrow, but am not. Weekends are for me and my Bride. Besides- there are a couple of boats scheduled next week, so I’ll start my “work week” off on Monday like normal. Watched a couple of movies…. A Cowgirls Song. Vera – you would love that one (I think) Watched 13 Lives… I wanted to see it (for what will be obvious reasons when you see it) and loved it~! (so did Angie) We’ve started 2 this afternoon and wound up turning them off because they were stupid. In the middle of one now that seems to be really good called This is 40. Good so far but a really long movie….. I hope it stays good. I’m going to have to mow either tomorrow or Sunday as you can actually stand now and watch the grass grow. Trying to figure out the weather…. we have several tropical weather systems brewing around us and it’s spinning out multiple rain showers…… I guess so the grass will grow a little faster.
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!