Woke up to an alarm this morning and now find myself wondering how I did that for so many years….. nasty, nasty way to have to wake up, but I rolled on out. Got up early to get my morning stuff out of the way so I could be up to Blues by 08:00. I have been trying to get their fence painted for quite some time and I was bound determined to get into it. I got the paint mixed and finally delivered to Blues last week. My Bride decided she was going to help and with a little nudging had her out the door [barely] to be up there by 08:00 — I started in on the section of fence that I rebuilt earlier last year….. the wood was horribly dry and you could almost hear the lumber sucking the paint in. My bride was working on the section right next to the entrance. The sun was blazing straight at me out in the alley and I actually got a little bit of a sun burn on the back of my legs. Even though our temps are in the low 80°s (after all, it’s winter time here too) 😉 2-3 hours of this sun will flat redden you up – even if you’re used to it. I finished up the tall section of the fence by 11:00 (when Blues opens up) and Angie finished the section she was on. I don’t like to be there working on stuff once they open. We cleaned up our stuff and took a seat at the bar. I had me a couple of ice cold Budweiser’s to help cool me down and then ordered me an egg salad sammich. Blues smokes their eggs and it gives an amazing taste to a “hard boiled” egg. We both wound up having one. We stayed for another drink or two, then headed out. We were taking up valuable real estate there at the bar, as it was rapidly filling up with the lunch crowd.
Came back to the condo and we both agreed we were both pretty pooped. So the rest of the afternoon was spent on the couch watching Mountain Men. I’m going to try and catch me an early shower and some sack time as I have to be back out the door again fairly early tomorrow. Seems I was ‘voted’ to join the President of Fish With A Vet, on a radio spot tomorrow morning to talk about the next event we have coming up. It is the 78th anniversary of the USO and we are putting on a 1940’s Themed Talent “GONG” Show in honor of it. I’m sure you probably seen at least one of the ads that I share daily on FB. Not sure what I have planned for the rest of the day.
The rest of my week looks to be super busy…..tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary on the island~!! We have a dive club Board meeting tomorrow, I have at least 1 dive on Thursday, at least 1 dive on Friday, plus we are meeting a bunch of friends up at Blues on Friday PLUS – Friday is our 1 year “Blues” anniversary and at least one dive on Saturday (If I survive Friday) 😉
Good night Ya’ll . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!