Up early again due to a growling belly and the urge to pee for an hour….. both of those items addressed and headed out to see what the new day is going to bring. It started out with two new turtle nests…. for those of you counting that is now 11 nests~! I hope they all turn out to be active~!! Our beach seriously looks like a war zone out there now. I have some of the beach raked and leveled out, but cannot keep up with these big mommas coming in here – it’s great~! My Queen finally rolled out and we did our morning thing of coffee and waking up. I made a commitment to be back out to the house I have been working on by 09:00, so the place would be open for the ‘counter’ guys. I loaded up and headed out and was there shortly before 09:00. I started right in on the doors and by the time the ‘counter’ guys showed up – I was half way through my second door. I finished it up and started taking measurements for the third and final door. I had to hold up on it as I was going to be in the way of the guys putting in the new counters. They finally finished up and left – which left me to my last door. I dreaded this one the worst, as I had to set the jamb into concrete walls – and that never works out as well as I would like it to. None-the-less….. I stayed at it and by 13:00 had the door trimmed, drilled and hung.
Hung out at the condo the rest of the afternoon with my Queen until after Judge Judy, before leading up town for a meeting of the local dive club. It was supposed to be held at a place that advertises the best pizza in the Caribbean. Challenge accepted. We got there early enough to order and eat dinner and be done by the time the meeting started. Good plan – except somewhere in the process, the meeting got changed to another location — and I apparently did NOT get the memo~! Dammit Emmit~! One good thing that did come out of it, is that I have discovered my newest best pizza on the island~! (so far)…….. We didn’t make it to the meeting, but our bellies were full and we waddled off to crawl into DD and head back to the condo for some of that wonderful conditioned air~! I guess Summer is in full swing here now…… the temps are going up and that wonderful trade wind has all but died and O.M.G. is it getting hot~! It’s always very warm here, but with that trade wind gone…… it is getting hotter than a hooker on 2 dollar night……. I’m not complaining though~~ I like it~! Especially when I know the weather back on the main land is starting to cool off~!
Next big news I guess is Hurricane Isaac…. Yep, we’re watching it but all latest forecasts says he’s going to go South of us. I sure hope they’re right. More on that in a day or two~!
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!