Last week, my Queen and I decided that we were going to check out a new restaurant. We went and checked out R.A.W. (fairly sure I talked about it) and we decided every Thursday night going forward was going to be ‘date’ night and we would check out somewhere new until we hit most of the spots on the island. After 40 years of marriage, the idea of a date night seems a touch silly to me, but I do like the idea of checking out the new places and seeing my Queen get “all dolled up” for the evening. It was Angie’s pick tonight and we went to a place called 17/64 Kitchen and Bar. If you follow me long enough, you’ll see the reference to 17-64 fairly often. The main reason….. that is the general Latitude/Longitude coordinates for the island of St. Croix. ( Latitude: 17° 43′ 39.04″ N // Longitude: -64° 44′ 49.13″ W to be exact) Nice little place, much like R.A.W., trying to pull off an upscale hipster little place. Chief complaints, A/C apparently wasn’t turned on early enough to adequately cool the place off before we got there (right after opening) and the chairs were too narrow for my a$$. Now I don’t think I have what I would call a wide a$$, but I had an easy 3″-4″ of said a$$ hanging off each side of the chair…… just not comfortable~!!!
We tried out several drinks — I tried the special [I usually always try the house special] the Ian Fleming….. it didn’t sink in until after I got it – but it apparently was a Martini of sorts with some reference to James Bond…… not sure as I have never seen an episode of James Bond…. and I say that proudly~ Angie tried a house drink — neither of us cared for the drinks – but finished them off like the veterans we are…. We ordered an appetizer of Mussels and Frites (fries… you can charge more when you call them Frites)….. Mussels had way too much Garlic – but the fries were out-by-god-standing~!! For our entree’s -my bride had a tenderloin and I had a rack of Lamb. Both entree’s were pleasing delicious~! We ended the meal with a Lemon something or other (not bad) and a Chocolate something or other (much better than the lemon thing) we had a beer – several chocolate Martini’s (wonderfully excellent) as well. Whole meal was way to expensive – but so much worth it….. the nice evening with my Queen, the ambience, the meal and everything all rolled into one….. Already picked out my place for next week ( hint: I’m gonna be able to get pizza there 😉 ) and really looking forward to it~!
We watched a movie before we left for our date night. Called Shutter Island with Leo DiCaprio (notice I know a lot of the actors well enough to call them by their name informally… Nikki Cage (Nicholas)… Leo DiCaprio (Leonardo) Sandy Bullock (Sandra)…… yea – I roll like that 😉 Any how….. Shutter Island… outstanding…. if you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend it…. great twist at the end~!
Doing a little work up at Blues tomorrow morning…. we’ll see what the rest of the day brings~!
Good night Ya’ll …… Thankx for stopping in~!
17 / 64 Bar & Kitchen
My Queen~~ <3
Mussels and Frites
Wonderfully delicious ‘Frites’
Rack of Lamb
Street views
Dark Chocolate pate’
Frozen Lemon Souffle