Another early morning (again, whether we wanted to or not) but we got up, got some breakfast and was out the door by 09:00 headed for the East end of the island, to Point Udall – the Eastern most point of the United States. Did the long easy drive out to the point, slowing and occasionally stopping for picture taking. I swear, I’ll never get tired of going out there. The scenery just blows my mind every single time……. just Wow~! Finally made it out there and walked around looking at all that beautiful blue water while Steph & Josh enjoyed the monument and the view as well. My ‘mess’ was bagged out in the car while everybody else enjoyed the monument, but it worked out good as it gave him the energy and stamina for the next leg of our trip. We wound our way back down the mountain, pulling in at the base of it at Cramer Park. As is most of the time, during the week, it is not unusual to have the entire beach to yourself, which we did. Didn’t take long before me and my Deuce were in the water and getting snorkels adjusted. Will is doing a really good job snorkeling, but struggles a little bit with keeping water out of his snorkel as he laughs and squeals when sees all the fish, but he’s getting better as he goes. I took lots of good pictures and a video of him to document the occasion. It wasn’t long before we were joined by Mom, Dad, Oma and Colton…….. Being early in the morning, water still had a bit of an “OOh” factor when you first stepped in – but once you were in, it felt great~! We swam and snorkeled the better part of an hour before I called everybody in for a shade and refreshment drink. It’s hard to convince folks just how quick that sun and wind can burn you…. especially very young skin not used to it. We had snacks and drinks, some more sunscreen for some and back in we went. We swam, snorkeled, boogie boarded for another 30 minutes or so before it was decided that the little guys were getting “pink” and it would be best to call it a day.
We loaded everything back up into the bus and headed for town. It was decided that a spot of lunch would taste pretty good, so we pulled into Cheeseburger in America’s Paradise for some liquid refreshments, some Cheese sticks and Chicken parts. Main course included a Cheeseburger which was fairly tasty according to Josh, there was some shrimp and some Mahi – all apparently tasty as well – as they disappeared in short order. I opted for a second Budweiser for my lunch 🙂 After we everyone was fed (including a rooster and a couple of chickens) we loaded back up into the bus and headed for some conditioned air and relaxing back at the condo….. well, some of us…… me & my Deuce and Stephanie headed up to the swimming pool to see if it had warmed up any. It had, but still a tad to cool to enjoy, so we headed back to the house. By then, bellies were starting to rumble again, so Oma whipped up some Ravioli and toasted cheese sammiches for the boys and everybody else just kinda fended for themselves. Showers, a couple of rousing games of UNO and little folks are getting ready for some sack time. I think all the ‘big’ people are hoping they’re wore out enough to sleep in, in the morning~ 😉
Heading out for the North Shore road tomorrow and some Cane Bay swimming….. it should be another fun day~!
Good night ya’ll —- Thankx for stopping in~!