Up bright and early after a mostly mediocre night of slumber. I let the task of finding a parking spot for today’s event, get into my head (I was afraid I was gonna have to hike a dozen blocks lugging all of my gear) and didn’t sleep as well as I normally do. I got up and shook it off figuring I’d just do the hike if that’s what it was gonna take. I had the option of parking in the Gecko (ATV) parking lot, but was fairly convinced the gate would be blocked by the time I got back, even though it is properly posted ‘Do not block’, because…. well…… because I know the mentality of the majority of the drivers on this island. As fate would have it, I found a spot right across from the Gecko lot and slid into it. I gathered up all my gear and humped my tired old touchas down to the pier and waited for our boat. We had 12 people signed up to do a DSD (Discover SCUBA Dive). Before they even got to the boat, 2 had to drop out because of the medical questionnaire, but we had 2 ‘walk ups’ take their place. By the time we got them on the boat and out to the dive site, we were down to 8, the others changing their mind and opting to snorkel while everyone went on the dive. Photographing DSD’s is always a challenge, for multiple reasons. Some are anxious, scared, excited….. you name it. They are all over the place and the Instructors have their hands full keeping everybody safe and in check. I occasionally have to drop my camera and help. Today was one of those days. One young lady at the back of the group was rocketing towards the surface (not a good thing). The Instructor didn’t see her [in time] so I took off to catch her. I got her, got her calmed down and started back down with her. She ‘said‘ her ears were giving her problems, so I worked with her to get her back down to depth and handed her over to the Instructor when she showed up. Understand, when I say I dropped my camera….. it is tethered to me, so it stays with me, it just hangs down by my side so I have both hands free. I have did some nasty damage to my camera doing that before, so I have changed my technique a little bit to keep my camera safe(r). Finally back at the dock, got everybody off loaded and I was on my way. I got to the main street where the parade for J’ouvert was just starting and I got across the street just a couple hundred feet ahead of the parade……whew~! (and – the gate to Gecko’s was blocked) 😉
Safely back at the house, I sat and enjoyed an icy cold Budweiser and a cool breeze before coming in to start editing pictures. I got done nice and early and started in on my evening stuff way ahead of schedule but wound up with a case of neighbor-interupttus. Neighbors came over and we chatted for a while. They are back at their place now and here I am. I got a wonderful text from my Bride with a picture of her and my Number # 1 fan Vera. So happy they finally got together. I have tomorrow off and then am diving Sunday….. screwball schedule…… next week looks to be real sloooooooow~~~ 🙁 Catching up on some random pictures I’ve taken this past week or so.
Good Night Y’all * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Our Christmas tree