Up much, much earlier than I wanted to be this morning but didn’t really have any decent options. I enjoyed the cool morning quiet until my Queen finally came stumbling out. After bathroom stuff and a breathing treatment she came out to join me at the table. She is looking slightly better, getting some color back in her face. She said she wasn’t hungry and I didn’t press the issue. She asked me to run up to the Post Office to mail something for her and although I would rather have had my tongue branded than do that – I gathered up the stuff she wanted mailed and took off. You have to understand our Post Office and the fine government employees that work up there. To start with, due to the phenomenal lack of parking, I had to park about a block away. There were approximately 35 – 40 people in that very small post office all waiting for goodies (that appeared to be mostly from Amazon). Without going into a lot of painful details….. it took me right an hour to get my Queen’s stuff mailed, but I finally got it and scrambled back to the house. Angie was already back in bed by the time I got back and didn’t make another appearance until almost 2:00. Again – that’s a good thing for her to sleep that much. Small steps, but everyday she is getting a little bit better. That makes me a little more relieved as she gets closer to her fly date. I don’t know if I went into a lot of details, but I am flying her back to the states on Wednesday. I got a plane ticket for a crazy low price for this particular day, compliments of an observant Daughter. The primary reason to get her back was to get her started with a pulmonologist but being there with all the kids and Grand babies for Christmas will be a big plus too. So, that is just another reason I want her good and healed up before she takes off. She did request something to eat. I made that for her and happy to see she finished all of it~! Now she is sitting across from me playing her game on her iPad. I’m sure she will move to the couch soon for at least one sappy Hallmark movie before I join her for some Hell’s Kitchen.
I tried to get on here last night, but our illustrious internet was acting hinky and wouldn’t load this site, so I just quit and went and sat down on the couch. Nothing in particular planned for tomorrow [yet] except taking care of my Queen.
Good Night Y’all / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Thankx for stopping in~~!