Up much earlier than the past couple of days. My Bride had to go to ‘work’ this morning and I wanted to be up to make sure she had a hot breakfast in her before she started her day. We had our coffee and did the on line thing before she was out the door, leaving me here to my own devices……. I really need to do some looking and find out exactly what the hell that expression really means. Shortly after she left- I swapped out all the trash cans and bagged everything up and headed for the dump. Sadly, when I picked up Angie’s trash can in her breathing room….. her trash disintegrated in my hand. Understand, this trash can has fought the good fight but could not take it any longer and crumbled into hundreds of pieces this morning. Undeterred, I swept it up and and dropped it into the bag of gar-bage that was destined for the dump. As I left the dump – I swung [swang] ? [went by] the local Dollar General store in hopes of procuring another trash receptacle for my Queen. It was only 08:30 in the morning and they were closed……. huge shock…… swang ? [swung] by the Post Office…. way too crowded <no where to park> so I came back to the house……. Not sure what got into me, but I launched into an unprecedented cleaning regime…… primary target: ceiling fans. Trust me when I tell you….. in a house without glass in the windows (just screens) dust builds up…. everywhere….. OMG~! So for the next several hours, I vacuumed and “Pledged” ceiling fans and vacuumed all the high spots in the house. 15′ ceilings make this task a tad more challenging, but armed with my big ass step ladder and our handy dandy new Dyson battery powered hand held vacuum. I was a cleaning machine~! I wound emptying the collection chamber 4 times of dirt, dust and spider webs (and the occasional spider). I also dissected the bed, fixed the busted mattress support, flipped the mattress and and vacuumed under the bed……. may not sound like much, but 4 ceiling fans [and ceilings]…….. I earned my keep today. That all done….. I managed to get our second security camera operational and re-installed. I came in and vacuumed the rest of the house, then ran back up to procure said trash receptacle for my Bride. I stopped by the shop and picked up last weeks pay check and finally back to the house. Again, may not sound like much, but ole fat boy was tuckered. My Queen finally pinged me and said she was on her way home. She got here and we had a couple of drinks. I offered Taco’s since I weenied out on them last night and my Queen was all over it. We are since, back, after being joined by our across the hall neighbors and all is well on our end of the island…… still no boat…. DAMMIT Emmit~! But I’m done for tonight.
Good Night Y’all > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!
( Vera – heads up — a couple of Green Meanie shots below) 😉