I don’t know…….. maybe it’s getting older and less tolerant……. maybe just the way I am looking at stuff at this point in my life. I almost dreaded this holiday. I know most people mean well…… they’re just stupid… going with whatever the ‘masses’ are saying or doing. Crazy the amount of well intentioned adults that don’t understand what this holiday is really about. I get the ‘kids‘ don’t get it. It’s really not their fault…… it’s their dumb ass parents that I fault. The kids are just going with the flow they see on social media. The people that gave the ‘ultimate sacrifice’….. they gave their life, so today’s moron’s can jump up and down and act like they care about something……. I didn’t fully realize it at the time when I enlisted….. but I signed up to do the same thing…. anything, up to, and including giving my life, to defend this country against all enemies.. foreign and domestic~~~ wow….. had absolutely no intention of even discussing any of this— but have seen and heard enough stupid bull$hit on the matter…… I guess it worked through. Please people…… do your due diligence on the holiday.
On to other things. I met our visitors at my shop this morning and it didn’t take long before they were immersed in the knowledge to do their first SCUBA dive. For me, it’s fun to watch these ‘newbies’ going through the training. I can very easily remember what was going through my brain when I went through it. While I am rapidly approaching my 1000th dive….. sometimes it seems like just yesterday— that I was the newbie watching the person in front of me, wanting me to breathe under water and worrying that I was gonna die. They both did great— and according to them, had a great time. I got some really nice pictures of them doing their thing. They came out to the house and I grilled up some burgers while we previewed their pictures. I think……….. since I started this sentence….. there have been about 8 different things that have taken (or tried to) to take place…… right now… have NO idea what I intended to say……. DAMMIT Emmitt~!! Yes— yes I have…. am drinking….. and admittedly have [apparently] become quite the cheap date……. SOOooooo….. I’m gonna quit….. right here….. cause the harder I try to remember the point I wanted to make…… the more ridiculous its sounds (in my head)….. I think………….. ATV’s tomorrow……..!
Good Night Y’all ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thankx for stopping in~!