Hey ya’ll…….. been a long messed up month or so……. There is an above average chance that this post [and possibly the next couple] I’ll ramble… more than usual…. The news of my little Sis being down and sick with cancer was heart breaking…… not making it more than about 5 weeks was devastating. I’m not going to dwell on it, as my heart as taken as much as I care for this past month or so. As I think most of you know, we JUST got back from being in the states to bury her. A sad unfortunate fact of life that you have to deal with whether you like it or not. That done….. we spent an extra 3 days running to spend time with our folks… Daughters, Sisters, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews and a couple of damn neighbors thrown in for good measure….. Had SOOO many other folks we would have liked to have seen – but time just would not allow it. Part of our haste to get back to our little island (beside the fact it was friggin’ cold there …..27°~!!) is that we will be back in December. The decision was made looooong ago, to go back to the states for Christmas, as this would have been the 4th year in a row that we have missed that holiday with our kids [and Grandbabies]….. little did we know we would be making multiple trips back to the land of Hoosiers before then and the ever dropping temperatures…… completely unacceptable~! The temperatures that is.
SO great to see our kids, grandbabies, friends, relatives and everybody else that many times in such a close time frame. The reason it happened, sucks and I wouldn’t wish that on any one….. but there again – something we all have to deal with at some point in time.
We covered a LOT of distance in the last couple of months, and I am finding out – I apparently do not like to travel as much as I used to…. but I think COVID has had way more to do with that than it should have. The point of this ramble….. now that I have drifted several times… is…. when we come back in December, is we will be there for 2 weeks… time enough to appreciate everything going on AND get to spend some time with lots of folks we missed on the previous 2 visits…. including [hopefully] my # 1 blog fan – Miss Vera – 🙂 As we get a little closer, I will start reaching out to try and schedule some time as I know that is a crazy time of year for everybody —- but there is a BIG handful of folks that we absolutely want to spend some time with….. if you’re reading this, you’re probably one of those folks (if you live fairly close) 😉
That’s about enough for tonight…. been a long day ‘domesticating‘ while my bride worked her job today…. bunch of pictures for you…. probably random…. will try and comment so you have some idea what I was thinking when I took them.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!