Up bright and early this morning….. all my morning stuff happened the way it was supposed to for a change…… great start to my day if I did nothing else. Up a couple of minutes before 06:00 this morning….. I had almost an hour to myself before my Bride came stumbling out. She had a big day yesterday and I am happy she slept in a little bit. Bump charged all my batteries…. camera, strobe and flood lights, loaded everything into the truck and was soon on my way to Salt River for a 2-tank dive off of my very favorite boat. The big bunch visiting from Indiana was on the boat again today and including myself and 2 dive masters – there were 16 people in the water. A LOT bigger crowd than I would normally dive with – but these are [almost] all very experienced divers and I didn’t have to worry a whole lot about having people on top of me. I hate it when that happens. First dive site is a top five favorite that I don’t get to dive very often because conditions have to be near perfect to moor up to it. We got to dive it today and it did not disappoint. Normally not a “sharky” kind of dive – we had 5 gorgeous Caribbean Reef sharks show up today…. 5~! Count ’em…. 5~! I spent a lot of time, air and energy trying to get them all into one shot…. but they were very uncooperative so I didn’t get that shot…… dammit Emmit~! It is still a very unique dive with a massive spire jutting up off of the sea floor and summiting about 65′ below the surface. Even without sharks – the life on this piece of rock is absolutely amazing….. mostly because of the current it receives coming up from the deep water….. another reason it is a tougher dive site [current] – but OH so worth it….. Back on the boat and heading to another tried and true site, Salt River East. This site usually holds sharks – but they tend to stay way much deeper than we are ‘supposed’ to go………. but today…… ah, yes, today……. the diving Gods were smiling on us and not only were there sharks, they were shallow (about 55′) and responded nicely to ‘calls’ to bring them in nice and close……. I had one close enough, I thought I was going to have to bounce him off of my camera…..! I loved it~! Just an awesome, awesome dive~!
Safely back home, gear rinsed, my Bride fed me a nice meal and having drinks now with my mind reeling from the dives today – I need to get the salt off me and hopefully a night sleep that was as great as the day was~! Nothing on the books for tomorrow…. working guiding a couple of tours for the ATV’s Saturday. Probably gonna use Sunday to chill and watch TV and already have a couple of afternoon dives scheduled for Monday…… such a tough life…………….. 😉
Almost forgot a shout out to our first…. Amanda – my Mouse — Happy Birthday Sweetheart~~~ I Love and miss you~~ DoD
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!