A little better start to the morning, this morning…. and even though I wasn’t really in the mood – I strapped on my walking devices and headed out for parts unknown. I settled into my walk really quickly and easily, so decided I would go for some Cardio this morning versus distance………I probably should have gave that a second or third thought. Started off by taking the wrong road, but quickly recovered…. and soon found myself attacking the hill that I am sure will start inducing nightmares if I do it again any way soon. According to my handy ‘App’ – elevation at the top is just under 500′. BULL cookies~! As someone who has been at that altitude hundreds of times….. I know I was a LOT higher than that – and I’m here to tell you, when you climb that hill, in less than a mile, it might as well be a million feet. Good God Gerdie that is a long way up~! I have done it once before – but didn’t make it all the way to the top – and that has been eating at me since…… well today – I done her boy~! Yessiree Bob – as far up as I could go on that mountain…. which included a little over grown path for about a 100 yards before it ended….. there is a tower a little higher up – but I’m gonna have to consult some maps before I can figure out how to get to it.
Finally back at the house….. mostly dried off, mostly rehydrated and figuring out the next several days, as they are loading up with bunches of stuff to do. Island kids have to make an impromptu trip back to the states [private business] and we’re gonna keep their [ATV] business running while they’re gone for them. Also trying to drum up a little underwater photog business for me, so for the next 10 days our schedule just got pretty busy….. that’s alright though. We are helping folks out, making a couple of bucks and staying pleasantly busy in the process….. pretty good deal for us old retired folks……..
We have some wonderful gray clouds passing overhead, along with some intermittent rain showers. The temperature has dropped to a balmy 76° with a marvelous cool breeze, there is the most awesome thunder rolling in the far distance and we are thoroughly enjoying it. I have been wet (from sweat and/or rain) for the past 5 hours or so – and am looking forward to a shave and a shower and being dry for a bit. Still waiting to hear from [one of two] dive shops whether I’m diving in the morning or not…… fingers crossed~!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Don’t know what they are – but they sure were pretty~!
The road UP~!
What I covered so far……
The road ‘to go’……
But OH what a view~!
Path to nowhere……