I spent the bulk of today underwater with my new camera housing taking pictures of 5 guys who have had their collective a$$es worked off over the last 6 weeks working toward their Dive Master certificates. I’m glad and honored to have watched them complete their training today and earn their certs……… I took right at 300 pictures today just on my GoPro and ‘killed‘ myself to narrow it down to 85 pictures I deemed worthy of saving…… truth be told – there were only about 2 dozen that needed to be deleted – but I didn’t want to over whelm my ’employer’. I haven’t even loaded my ‘good’ camera pictures yet……. just too friggin’ tired and probably will wait until tomorrow to load them. Got home and had to contend with what sounds like a very interesting lead on the truck [selling it [[DD 1.0]], trying to get some kind of food in me….. turned out to be 2 nuked pieces of KFC and 2 nuked hot dogs…… probably not an ideal meal for an aging fat boy… but it was quick, easy, hot and reasonably tasty….. which pretty much hits all the requirements for a meal for me…….. First round of pictures loaded – and I’ll share some of them tonight…… for now – a shower and some shut eye. Dude is supposed to be by tomorrow to look at the truck – please keep your fingers crossed for us………
I am now once again officially ‘un-employed‘ – but neighbor [friend & dive shop owner] has already approached me about becoming a part-time staff photographer for them for their DSD’s (Discover SCUBA Dives) We talked about fees and expectations and came to an agreement – so looks like I am picking up some more work as an underwater photographer. My plan is to have enough of these type of gig’s to keep me diving [without paying for it] and make a couple of bucks in the process…… if I get good enough – so be it – and I can maybe start jacking my prices up a little bit……… 😉
I think I’m gonna wrap it up here good peoples…… I’m half shot and ready to be clean, dry and in bed…………………………
Good Night Ya’ll………………………… Thankx for stopping in~!