Up a little earlier than I would have liked to this morning due to an urgent call of nature….. so I stayed up and enjoyed the quiet until my bride came stumbling out. Took it easy most of the day – battling a minor episode of what I believe to be those 2 big meatball subs I had last night. While the sauce he uses is not spicy – it is very tomato(ey) and I believe that was the source of the ‘episode’….. course – a pretty hefty dose of Vodka on top of it probably didn’t help it any
Rest of the day was breakfast and Dexter….. we finally finished that series – I have to say it had one of the stupidest endings I have ever seen to a series. Rest of the time was looking for a new series (still am). We did watch one movie called First Kill. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good. Apparently, the shark video’s I was talking about last night was bigger than I thought because I couldn’t get them to load on FB either. I even tried again this morning…. course, it could be this mickey mouse internet we have here also……. I’ll keep trying because they are pretty awesome videos~! And that’s about it for today……………
Good Night Ya’ll %% % % % % % % % % % % Thankx for stopping in~!