Slept in this morning…….08:00~ Woo-hooo~! A long day on the couch and a lot of alcohol will have that affect though I guess. Today was a bit like yesterday minus the 6 hours up at Blues getting pickled. Lots of couch time after my bride made me some pancakes I had a hankering for……. lots of Dexter as well. I did manage to take down the Christmas lights from the palm trees, pulled up the extension cords and got them cleaned up, so the day was not a total waste.
I have managed to get signed up for a couple of dives tomorrow morning [Yay] so I can restock my pictures for you. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. Still trying to get my BP in check….. not going well so far – but I am actively working on it. Then we are supposed to meet the other two couples we are going sailing with up at Blues. We are going to discuss and finalize our bar and food options for the cruise next month. I’m sure I have mentioned it, we are doing a 7 day sail boat tour through the BVI (British Virgin Islands) at the end of next month. I feel kinda like a kid waiting for Christmas. It should be an awesome cruise. Basically nothing but swimming, snorkeling, eating and drinking for a full week while living aboard a 47′ sail boat. There will only be 6 of us. We are all friends here on the island, so it should be a blast. More about that as it gets closer. For now – I’m out…… a few more pictures I’m not sure if you’ve seen yet or not.
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!
IMG_0344 <—- Video of jelly fish