Well the day was quite as down as I suspected – we wound up running out West again and talked to our new landlord. A wonderfully engaging woman, who at 96 years old proved to be an absolute delight to chat with. Mitch mentioned I should probably pay a deposit to ensure we get the place when it is ready. So out we went. We caught her just as she was heading out, but she welcomed us up on the porch to sit and chat for a couple of minutes. We explained we would like to go ahead and pay a deposit. She would not have anything to do with it. She said a handshake and our word was good enough for her to hold the place until it was ready and our word that we would take it when it becomes available. You just don’t find that much any more these days. We left her to attend to her business and we came back to the condo.
I have been ‘paying the price’ for drinking for 6 hours yesterday with dang little chow in my belly – so the rest of the day has been pretty much hanging out on the couch nursing a tender belly. I did managed to get the truck (DD 2.0) finally scheduled in for repairs and a couple of other little odds and ends – but mostly watching the idiot box. We started a new series, recommended by our island Daughter. She said it is a little bit sick and twisted – but I would probably like it. It is – and I do 😉 Name of the series is Dexter. About a blood splatter expert (forensic specialist) working for the Miami PD, only he takes it a little farther. I’ll leave it at that in case you want to check it out. We just finished up season 1 of it before I sat down here.
Making a couple of dives tomorrow and am looking forward to it. Just put a bump charge on my camera so in case I see more fun stuff to share with you all, I will be ready . So for now — I’m going to make me a bite to eat and see if it’ll stay in my stomach… Some more dive pictures for you~!
Good night Ya’ll < < < < < < < < < < < < Thankx for stopping in~!