Started the day out yesterday with a tasty breakfast whooped up by Oma nd then we all headed out to Hotel on the Cay. Definitely one of the prettier, kid friendly beaches on the island and the whole beach is post card quality viewing. I spent the first half of the day out on the beach with them until I to take off for a night of what turned into a$$-kicking work. Long before steph showed up – we agreed to bar-back for Blues Backyard BBQ for an island favorite band that was making their return to the island for the Winter. Because we stand behind our word – Angie was to hang out with Steph and the boys while I went to bar-back. I left the beach just in time to get a quick shower and show up for work. And work it was….. I prepped my coolers and work station and got to ‘lounge’ for about 45 minutes before folks started filing in for the nights event. For the next 3 ½+ hours – it was a$$holes and elbows for the old fat boy as I made sure 2 bartenders did not run out of anything. It was a standing room only crowd and they kept the place hopping. After the first 3 hours – I finally snuck out for a cigarette while I gave my shirt a chance to dry out [again]. Another 2 hours later and we were wrapping it up. I didn’t get back here until almost 10:00 (which is why I didn’t post anything) Wow what a night. I hurt in places I forgot I had………
Next morning, I slept in after a miserable night in bed…… I’m sure most of you know what it is like to be THAT tired and THAT sore – that you don’t sleep well. It was Steph’s last day on the island. She wanted to go downtown for some breakfast and some shopping. The place we wanted to eat was packed, so we opted to try out Nate’s Boat house. We had a satisfactory breakfast, then stopped to feed some of the big Tarpon’s that hang out around the board walk some hot dogs we had brought with us. Fish fed – we did the touristy thing so Steph and the boys could bring back souvenirs.
Finally came time to get back to the condo and get packed up and get our family on their way….. always a sad painful time of any visit….. but we got them checked in. Lots of kisses and hugs [and maybe a couple of tears] and Steph and the boys were on their way. As become our tradition, we stopped at Blues for 1 or 8 drinks and toast our loved ones on their way back to the land of plenty. Lots of friends there to help take our minds off of the fact our hearts were breaking and already missing family. The next thing you know – they are calling last call….. DAMMIT EMMIT~! So here we are now back in our [blissfully] quiet condo, enjoying the quiet, missing our family and starting to talk about a new place to live….. What a week~! Wouldn’t trade it for all the fishing boats on the island~!!
Thankx Stephie for spending some time with us. We love and miss you~!!!
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
Down town Christiansted – The boardwalk
Hotel on the Cay
Representing Simply Prepped Meals in the USVI
Breakfast at Nates Boathouse
My Mess
My Deuce
My Mess being a turd
Oma and my Mess (being a mess)
Tater Tots, a little sausage gravy and an egg…. not terrible
Doing the touristy thing
Is it me or are mannequins getting a lot hotter these days ?
Might just be me……..
Jim & Deb
A Cucumber chili margarita
Actually a lot better than what you would think~~