Well today turned out to be exactly what I thought it was going to be. We both slept in until 08:00, had a nice small breakfast and sat around and did an entire day of nothing~! We started a new series “Covert Affairs” recommended by Vera. Angie likes it – I’m still on the fence but starting to warm up to it. I wound up making my bride another steak and myself a couple of hotdogs. Dishes are done and now, here I set.
My Queen has a follow up doctors appointment tomorrow morning and then we have a dive club meeting tomorrow evening, so maybe a little more to rattle on about tomorrow. Until then, more dive pictures I don’t think you’ve seen yet.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – — Thankx for stopping in~!

Great pictures and blogs as usual,,,hey, I think Annie Walker is awesome,,,sometimes just have to let us ladies do our THING,,,, though Ang would like and was pretty sure you would bore lukewarm,,,,you are getting better all the time with diving it seems and pictures are awesome,,, hope her tests come back with results that will make us all go,,,YEAH,,,,,WHOOPEE, Have a good week…,Hi to the BLUES gang, and hugs to Angie
Hi Vera — We are already into Season 2 of Covert Affairs — I like Annie but the show is already starting to get more into mushy sappy kinda stuff, but we continue to watch for now.
Angie’s doctor appointment was just a follow up and all is well. I have Doc looking at other things that concern me – but nothing life threatening so we’re good. I will
pass the word on to the Blues crew for you. We haven’t been up there in a couple of days, they probably think we left the island or something~~ Ha-Ha….. Good to hear from
you – I hope all is well. Take care.~