Stayed up way past my bedtime last night. I started a new series and it has me thoroughly engrossed in it. The name is New Amsterdam (Netflix). It’s a medical show, pretty standard plot lines but very well acted and draws you in. Only two seasons to it but I am already on episode 9 of the first season. At the pace I’m watching it, I’ll be looking for another series by Tuesday, but only because I’m diving tomorrow and will have pictures and stuff to do until 5:00 o’clock or so. I got up early because I want to be tired enough to go to bed early tonight for my normal 05:30 wake up. Made me an awesome breakfast this morning. I made up a batch of Stove Top stuffing and mixed some of it in with my scrambled eggs (but let the eggs get about ¾ done before you do) and I had my Lil Smokies and a glass of milk. I had forgotten just how good [and filling ] that is. Yummy~! Wasted an incredible amount of time on line watching mostly stupid videos before coaxing myself to get up and go to the store. I had to reload stuff to eat for next week. Sadly, I guess all the island holidays have delayed shipments and shelves were mostly empty. I was looking for another small chunk of ham, but they were completely out. Dammit Emmit~! I got the last tiny bag of $6 salad mix. Couple of tomatoes. Couple of packs of chicken and turkey lunch meat (Deli was closed), some Beer, Vienna Sausage and a couple of other odd ball things. Still cost me $145. May have to look into fasting for a while….. geeesh~~
Came back and got everything put away and settled in on the couch for some more of my new series. Had a can of Sardines with some crackers. Haven’t had that in a while and didn’t realize just how much I enjoy them. The ‘Adult’ Christmas parade was scheduled to start at noon today, but I didn’t hear anything until about 1:30. Loud….OMG…. I had to turn the TV up to hear over it and town is a little over a ½ mile away~! It has since quieted down a little bit, but still going. At least I could turn the TV back down. That’s about it. Exciting huh ? We’ll see what I can come up with tomorrow. Back to the couch.
Good Night Y’all # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!