Man, has it really been 4 days since I’ve been on here ?? Don’t time fly when you’re having fun~! Been a wild long busy week. Chasing big groups of people around underwater and taking tons of photo’s. I recently upgraded to Windows 11 on my laptop and in the process, lost the photo editor that I liked using so much. Guess it’s a good thing I already had Photo Shop/Lightroom loaded onto my laptop. Dang shame I don’t know how to use them [very well] yet. Two very complex editing systems. I actually sat down today after getting a butt load of little projects done and started watching tutorials….. OW….. that was painful for an old brain like mine. Guess I’m gonna have to unlearn a bunch of stuff. I’ve also decided I’m gonna reach out and see if I can find and hire a tutor here on the island. Those on-line tutorials do a good job –if– you already know the basics of those programs….. and I, sadly do not~! The dealings I have had with the programs so far is showing me my photo’s quality should go up multiple levels once I learn them, but I’m afraid I have a long way to go to get there……. but I’ll get it~!
Guess you already saw that in the midst of diving my brains out – I hit the milestone of 1000 dives~! Shoot…. I’m almost at 115 already. Somebody made a suggestion of FB I kinda liked….. he said I should get a picture of me making my 1000th skydive and put it up next to my 1000th SCUBA dive. I’ll look into that when I get a free minute LOL. This coming week looks to be every bit as busy, if not a smidge more so, than last week. We have 4 days of cruise ships this coming week, with one day having two ships at once. Two of those days that I know of, have two dive boats scheduled each day – which mean long days diving and even longer days editing and posting pictures….. so I will probably be slacking doing this again……. sorry~~~~
On the medical front….. my belly is doing really good. I’m into my second week of my second medicine fixing the issue with my small intestine. The vast majority of the bloating is gone and my belly feels better than it has in many months~!! My appetite has returned (some times with a vengeance) and I now have to be careful not to eat to much so I can get back down to my fighting weight. I haven’t been on a scale in a pretty good while, but I feel like I’m down to at least the weight I was when all this started. Now to work on getting rid of the rest of my gut~! My Queen is still working through some of her stuff. New doctors are conflicted about some of the issues, but so far she is doing pretty good. I’m keeping my eye on her and making sure she is getting healed up as well~! She has been watching ‘sappy‘ movies all afternoon and is happy as a lark doing it, that makes me happy. That’s my limit for tonight.
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!