Sorry about missing these past couple of days……. had afternoon boats each day and I ‘needed‘ to be on them. Hell being an in demand photographer~~ 😉 Afternoon boats put me back here around 5:00 and it’s 9:30 before I get done editing and putting pictures up and I am wiped by then…. so– sorry…… Been doing a lot of diving and snapping pictures, so I have lots to share with you. Today was one boat and I am already done with my pictures. Not waiting til the normal time to do this because I think I’m gonna run out to a local watering hole and buy a friend a drink to celebrate the Marine Corp birthday. All the other branches of the service don’t feel the need to make a big fuss over their beginning, but the Jar Heads feel the need to do it and I like this particular Marine – so I’m gonna go and show him a little respect, so just a blurb tonight to let you know I’m hanging in there……. More tomorrow (maybe)….. tomorrow is Veterans day and I might run down to Blues to hang out with Jim — I haven’t got to see him in a while and I could [probably] be late getting back from that…… 🙂 Enjoy the pictures…. I’ll get back to some sense of normalcy soon…. maybe.
(Vera – Some eel pictures below)
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!