Hello all y’all…… been awhile I since I got on here. Our visit back to the states turned out to me much busier than I was expecting and the opportunity to write in the evenings was just not there. Not to say I didn’t thoroughly enjoy our time being taken up by little people (and some big ones) but writing on here was just not in the cards. SOOO much to talk about and it will be fun reliving some of it as I send my mind back to those 2 weeks. I am sure I will not [immediately] recall everything that went on, but I can pick from a multitude of different days and events to ramble about as needed.
I feel like I need to explain the rest of my absence a little bit as I’m sure some of you know that we have been back on our little rock for a handful of days now. Our last day in the states was one for the books….. We wound up traveling through 5 airports in an effort to get back here. We were up at 03:00 in the morning Saturday the 22nd to head back to our island. We arrived at Tampa FL airport (#1) to be there the recommended 2 hours before departure. We made it through TSA …. well, Angie did… but due to an awe-$hit…. I had to go back to the customer service desk to have my tickets re-printed to reflect my TSA Pre-approved status (lots of running) and eventually caught back up to my Bride. We made it to our gate where we were to be soon in Atlanta GA (#2), where we were supposed to hustle to the next gate to head back to the island…… however… due to an issue in Tampa, we sat in the plane long enough that by the time time we finally took off and landed….. we had missed our Atlanta flight to St. Croix. Dammit Emmit. The airlines rebooked us for another flight….. for the next day~! Oh hell no~! I helped the agents understand that was not a good option and other plans were eventually made. We boarded a plane to South Beach FL (#3) and took an UBER to Miami (#4) ((hour and 20 minute ride) before finally getting a flight back to St. Croix (#5)…. arriving at almost 10:00 at night, that was one very long day~! Somewhere in that process… I managed to pick up some kind of crud (not totally unconvinced I didn’t get what my Bride had) but the longer the day went the worse I started feeling. The next day (and the days following) I felt like I had been rode hard and put up wet. I felt bad enough that I didn’t immediately jump on the next dive boat. I am feeling considerably better but still nasty congested and struggle to breath after any mild exertion….. and have yet to make a dive. DAMMIT Emmit~! Our evenings have been pretty quiet, sitting on the couch watching TV. So….. that is why I have been so quiet since we got here….. tonight is the first time I have actually felt up to doing my stuff. While I didn’t take a ton of pictures while we were back….. I did take some. I’m just going to start at the beginning of the collection and put some up every night that I write until you see them all….. I’ll try and caption some for you.
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – and thankx for stopping back in~!
Our gorgeous little National Park – Buck Island
Note the reflection of the body of the plane
Lil Sis/Cuz Susie
Brother in Laws Joe & David and Son-in-Law Grant
Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law John & Maryloretto
My Cutie-Patootie~~