Up this morning after a mildly better nights sleep. Not sure if fixing the sag in the mattress was any part of it, but woke up a lot less sore than previous couple of mornings. Still congested enough I decided to drop out of diving this morning. I go through air fast enough the way it is when I dive, I don’t want to have to fight for it if I don’t need to. I’m glad I did. Most of the congestion is cleared up now and I feel comfortable enough to resume diving. Sadly, there is no boat scheduled, so I guess I get an extra recuperation day whether I need it or not. Pretty tame day here at the house…. my butt hurt from sitting in this chair so I moved pretty quickly to the couch. Watched a couple of movies that weren’t good enough [in my humble opinion] to try and remember them, so nothing to share with you about them. That’s pretty much it….. tame, tame, tame. We are coming back the end of this week, so we’re starting to get amped up about that~! Can’t wait to squeeze them babies and grand babies~!!!
Good Night Y’all & & & & & & & & & & & & & Thankx for stopping in~!

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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school -
Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen.
Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me.
A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet.
Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)
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