Woke to the sound of my alarm this morning………. scared the Bejezzus out of me. Probably the first time I slept through to the alarm in months. Tired I guess…… but I jumped out of bed [about half scared] and shut it off, afraid I would rouse my bride laying next to me. I really do hate waking to it. Got up – did my morning stuff and proceeded to get my camera stuff put together. I always feel ‘behind’ if I wake up “late”. Everything situated [with plenty of time to spare] – I wished that I was hungry, but alas, no. Dammit Emmit~! My Queen finally came stumbling out and soon we were having coffee. She said she was feeling ‘tons’ better, so that made me happy and I was soon on my way.
Really small boat today. Divers on board were solid enough I didn’t have to ‘ted’ to them and I got to take pictures. Had a couple of cooperative sharks and got a couple coral shots. Viz was sketchy at best – so I did what I could to salvage some shots. Back here – pictures edited and posted……. still waiting to see if ‘friend’ is going to show up to chat……. hate to put ‘friend’ off – but about ready to close the door and have the evening to us~~ Gotta do that once in a while.
I think the boat is out west tomorrow, so short commute and back here much earlier….. my favorite dive site is on this end of the island, so always hopeful we wind up at Armageddon~! PLUS – they are talking about a late start— 10:00ish…. so I get to sleep in tomorrow….. maybe. (Hasn’t been confirmed yet) So for now— signing off and going to get something to eat…. I am actually hungry now………
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – — — – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!