Well sports fans….. Miss Fiona has came and went and now on her way to reek havoc with whoever may sadly be in her way. She is well past us now and has just been upgraded to a Cat 2 hurricane. Certainly glad she waited until she was past us to do it. She dropped her speed by half as she approached us and gave us 2 solid days of wind and rain. The wind had it’s moments but nothing I haven’t seen in Southern Indiana during a decent summer storm. Lots of rain with it as well and most people on the island were grateful to have it. Today as been solid overcast, but not a lot of rain, so I presume it is the tail end of the system. I am ready for some sunshine and let the ground get to drying up a little bit. Both of our vehicles are still sitting in a small ‘pond’. Sadly, neither of us need them. Blues is closed down for the next month so my Bride is now “unemployed” and even sadder, there are no boats scheduled for the entire week [so far] – so it looks like I have some more free time on my hands as well. The grass needs mowed again as soon as it is dry enough and I really need to get back to work on my truck (body work), but again, have to get the ground dried out enough. Hurry up and wait~~~
Got a call from our Damn Neighbors this morning. They were checking on us to make sure we hadn’t got blowed away with Fiona. Always good to hear from those two. We got caught up a little while we were on the phone. Seems like they are heading out to Arizona here in a little bit. I spent just enough time in that state to know I wasn’t overly fond of it….. but….. I was just a wee bit younger when I was out there….. just a wee bit. I told them I was anxious to see what they think of it. I am thinking West Tennessee when we finally leave our little island here – but Arizona would offer more of the climate I’m after. Just keeping options open at this point.
We have been watching quite a few movies but haven’t seen anything truly noteworthy. Have seen a bunch of crap ones. Started a new series… actually picking back up on one… Hells Kitchen. We binged watched it when we first got access when we first got on the island. Not sure why I like it – but I do. Guess it’s because he talks to people the way I wish I could (and get away with it) plus I pick up a cooking tip here and there, even though I don’t do a lot of cooking anymore. Would like to change that when we get back to the land of plenty. One of the items on my to-get list when we move back (besides a Chevy Silverado) is a Blackstone grill/griddle combo…. and then have a store to pick up some decent stuff to make on it.
Good Night Y’all > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!