Slept in a bit this morning after staying up waaaay past my bedtime last night watching In the Dark. That series is starting to get some pretty messed up plot twists in it and making you want to watch “just one more” episode. I also knew I didn’t have to get up early for ‘work’ and neither did my Queen. She actually got up first this morning, but I was right behind her. A small [delicious] breakfast and some computer time before she had to head out the door for PT (Physical Therapy) on her shoulder. She is going twice a week now for that now. That left me here unattended and to my own devices. Due to a lack of rain this past week or so, my grass in the lawn stayed in check and mowing wasn’t needed, so I didn’t have to do that. So I piddled…… I put some oil in my truck. I caught my dive log up. I switched my dive computer backed to air. I am now diving with air on my first dive and switching over to Nitrox for my second dive. If the occasion ever comes up that I need to go ‘deep’ on our first dive….. if I am on Nitrox, I’m kind of limited to 110′ or so….. it’s complicated…… and if something were to come up that I did needed to go deep, it is mostly likely to happen on the first dive, so it’s kind of a safety thing for me…. again, unless you’re a diver…. it’s complicated. The second dive I am doing Nitrox because my Queen says she ‘likes me better’ when I use Nitrox…….. and what my Queen wants…….. my Queen gets. Well, except for tonight. She asked to go out for Taco’s tonight and I originally said yes, but later asked to back out of it. Just could not get myself in that mood. Actually, kind of glad we didn’t because it has started to rain and I really wouldn’t have been in the mood for being out in that. (plus I probably would have to run all the way to the truck to roll the windows up)…… It’s cooled off our steamy air we have been having the past day or so because the trade winds laid down, so that’s good. Will get the grass growing again (not good) – but it’ll add some water to our reservoir (that’s good)…… ahhh….. island life. I did make us a batch of Tuna Salad, although Angie kinda rolled her nosed up at it after tasting it, so we can have it on some Ritz crackers while we watch In the Dark. 😉 Diving the next couple of days….!!
Good Night Y’all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!