…….your dives were gonna get boring, you have a dive (two actually) that almost out does every shark adventure you’ve had to date. Yes Sirreee Bob……. (another one of them sayings I never quite got) after a less than stellar start to my day, I had one of the most epic shark dives I’ve ever had. Not once, mind you, but twice….. I had to evacuate my happy little self from the middle of a group of feeding sharks to ensure all my parts remained intact. These were all big boys as well, with 2 of them being well over 6′ in length. I have some video I’m itching to watch, but have yet to up load it. I spent a little longer on pictures than usual because I have so many great shark pictures~! It may be a day or so before you see today’s pictures, as I’m running a bit behind on sharing all I have with you so far…. yea, yea, yea….. I know…. I’ll only show you part of them and then forget about the rest……. probably, but I try not to put more than 15-20 pictures up as I think you may get bored if there are more than that on one post….. true ? Going out again tomorrow (make hay while the sun shines~! ) [that one I get] Going to be even a smaller boat, with only 2 divers and one snorkeler.. still diving though~!
Belly issues taunted me all day today but am feeling better right now, so hopefully whatever it was has worked itself out. Finished off the last of my KFC and followed that up with a small bowl of vanilla ice milk. It was supposed to be ice cream…… but that wasn’t ice cream…… still tasty and sweet enough to be considered dessert~!
Vera— Heads Up….. 1 eel picture, but he is mean looking one.
Good Night Y’all + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!