Up much earlier than it turns out I needed to be – but I like the early morning so it works out in my favor. I gathered up most of the photographic equipment I own and loaded it into my truck. I made me a most wonderfully delicious breakfast of eggs and sausage, finished getting caught up on world events and all the news that is news on the wonderful world of FB, before giving my bride a long kiss and a hug and heading out the door. Today’s assignment….. on a Sunday as it were…… was hang out with a family vacationing here on the island and the whole bunch of them are getting their Open Water [SCUBA] Certification from our shop. They are good friends of the owner [of the shop] and she wants the whole escapade photographed. Being in her employ and she indicating she wants the whole escaped photographed…. I’m on it~! (Sunday or not) I wound up at the house where the family is staying. The house has a pool just barely big enough to accommodate the family, and Instructor and a photographer. So that is where the ‘confined water’ portion of their training was to take place. This house where they are staying, sits directly on the North shore with a view ‘to die for‘. I met the Instructor there and for the next 6+ hours, we trained and photographed the family. The wind picked up and the sea got rougher….. the sun shone brightly down upon us as we worked through the day. The family did an excellent job learning what they needed to learn to advance to the next stage of their training and I spent the day with my camera’s doing what I do. Above and below water. A little break to refill air tanks and a bite to eat and we were back at it, finally wrapping it up close to 4:00 in the afternoon. I spent almost all day in that brilliant sunshine and ever increasing wind….. without my trusty ole hat. Dammit Emmit. My head is not burnt….. but OH SO close…… it has a purty red shine to it right now that I am sure will ‘brown out’ over the course of the next day or two as long as I keep it [appropriately] covered. We will be in the Caribbean Sea for the next two days….. so the ole ‘dome’ should have considerably more coverage from ‘Ole SolĂ©’……… (going for the old timey version of the Sun there) and hopefully no further pain shall be inflicted………. Gonna leave it here with you….. My Spark…. Slam…. whatever the hell I drank is starting to wear off and I’m coming down and in for a landing right now [hopefully on the couch]………. Some pix from today….. no sharks or anything cool, but you’ll get an idea of my day…….
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!