Greetings and Salutations all……… welcome to July the Oneth…… Not sure but I think tomorrow is Thanksgiving…… good golly Miss Molly is this year blasting by or what ??? Jeeeez~! I know I have started a couple of these only to run out of space and talk about coming back to them but then there is all this other stuff that comes, goes and happens…… heavens to Betsy….. Ross e-v-en………
Let’s see….. I finished up about the wreck….. headache is gone for the most part… some body aches here and there but kinda figure that might be from just a tough week and being older than dirt. I did discover my truck is in a little worse shape than I originally thought…. I have to open the front door to get the back door open (on my side) Neither door closes particularly well any more and it leaks when it rains [and yes, thankfully we have got a little bit of rain]… DAMMIT Emmit….. I just got it stopped from doing that and the smell of mold in the truck was dang near gone……! Well I am taking this weekend off, so I guess I get to spend some more time working on the truck…… dammit emmit….. I wasn’t kiddin’ about the tough week, and since the grass still don’t need mowed [[yay!!]] I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend of nothing……… dammit.
We had a wonderful dinner out the other night with traveling nurse friend Kathy… did I cover that already ?? She just pinged us the other day to let us know she is now back safe and sound in Alabama. Went out diving Wednesday last week on the North shore and had some of the ‘sportiest‘ sea conditions we have had in a while…. There were 8′ – 10’ swells…… yes indeed, kinda like being on the set of Deadliest Catch. One particularly large wave knocked two of our guest off of their seat, (coming over the side of the boat) but thankfully they caught themselves. It also washed all four sets of fins to the back of the boat. I dove for them (aiming for the railing pole to stop from going overboard) and our guests thought I was being washed overboard (they didn’t see the fins) so they dove on top of me to try and ‘save’ me. The Divemaster saw the end of all of this and dove onto top of the guests trying to help them…. it was quite the spectacle. Long story shortened….. I saved the fins, the guests ‘saved‘ me, we did not lose a single fin and we wound up motoring out happy a$$e$ around to the West end of the island where it was a WHOLE lot calmer……. wow~! Had a boat FULL of Cruise ship divers today…. and I’m just gonna leave it at that……. Had a nice afternoon photo shoot yesterday, which resulted in 500 pictures to be edited and put up… Thankfully those kind do not need a lot of editing, but still takes a while to get them uploaded…….. just letting you know why I didn’t get anything put up last night……
Good Night Y’all + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!