Making Bubbles~~

After a semi reasonable nights sleep….. up and moving along with my Queen as we both readied for a day of work. My stomach felt better, but not as good as the past week or so…… dammit…….. Got my batteries all bumped charged and loaded into the camera and everything loaded into the truck. I talked myself out of breakfast because I was running a little bit behind and my belly wasn’t calling for chow – although I did finally wind up nuking a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit and inhaling it right before I left. Glad I did as usual. Dive conditions were nasty this morning…. especially on the first dive… wow….. LOTS of crap in the water that made getting decent pictures a real challenge. Second dive site was mildly better and had a couple of friendly sharks and a gorgeous turtle. Had some equipment malfunction (out of the water) so I stopped by the dive shop on the way home and picked up new replacement parts….. I was about due to replace them any way. Another place I don’t even try to skimp on…. dive equipment. Kind of like my parachute…… when you’re your life is depending on it….. don’t go cheap.

Sadly, nothing from Doc yet. I would imagine she is plenty backed up and I’m sure she’ll get to it as quick as she can. One of the very few island “professionals” I have dealt with that I believe in and trust. Scratched the itch for some KFC for dinner. I ran drove uptown, found a parking spot right next door, a young lady (employee) standing outside, smiled, said ‘Good AfternoonAND opened the door for me. I went in and went straight up to the counter and got another smile and “Good Afternoon” [[it is island custom to greet people with good morning, day, afternoon, etc.]] They had everything I ordered (except pies), boxed it up immediately and handed it to me. I thought I was dreaming (or hallucinating)- wow, wow, wow….. I could get all kind of used to that~! AND the chicken was reasonably prepared…. actually had a little bit of crunch to it~! Probably new employees……  😉

Diving again tomorrow and on both boats on Saturday. We are having our semi-quarterly “JR” dive Saturday afternoon. It’s a lot of fun chasing all them little pollywogs around, but a lot of work too. It’s worth it though. Turn out is getting better and better with more parents staying to go diving with their kids. Neat to see~!

Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!


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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

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