Found out dives today were out here on my end of the island again…. Yay~!! MUCH less driving for me. Had to park 3 blocks away because everything was blocked off for another cruise ship that came in today….. Dammit Emmit~! A couple of good dives though. First was the Deep Wrecks. A sunken car hauler sitting next to a sunken tug boat. LOTS of life on both vessels. Got to see the biggest spotted moray eel I have seen to date. (Vera– warning.. lots of pictures of the Eel) Gorgeous eel and it hung out and let me take as many pictures of it as I wanted. I even have some video of it~! Beautiful~!! The tug boat had a small sting ray cruise by and several Atlantic Spade fish… big beautiful fish. The second dive is called a drift dive. You bail off of the boat and just let the current carry you. Great way to effortlessly cover a lot of ground. This one was just right… a slow current that gave you lots of time to nose around. Couple of the divers carrying spears with them, hit the jackpot on Lion Fish (invasive species that we kill on site)…. On a normal dive… we usually see 2 or 3 of the Lion Fish. Today we killed somewhere close to 30 of them~! We lost count because there was so many… but we definitely put a dent in the population~! Just a real good day in the water.
Back at the house, everything rinsed, editing pictures and having drinks with my Bride…… Island kids came by and needed a drive to the airport— so I obliged and brought their vehicle back here to the house. I know it’s hard to believe but the airport charges outrageous amounts to leave a vehicle there over 5 hours….. so it’s common practice to be dropped off and picked up when shuttling to and from the island. Pictures are finally all edited and put up. Bellies are full…. eating whatever left overs we have trying to get the fridge emptied out or at least thinned down so we don’t lose anything to spoilage while we are back in the land of plenty. Although I was pressured to do the 2 morning dives tomorrow- I opted out of them because I didn’t want to press my luck. I still intend to do the JR dive, but that dive never gets over 40′ deep and it is just one dive. I will still have a 24 hour surface interval after doing it before flying. Have a bunch of last minute things to get done before leaving….. so working on them already….. looking forward to seeing friends and family although I hear it is already ridiculous cold. What is that about ???? I hope I run into some of Y’all while we’re back. See ya soon.
Good night Y’all > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!

PB180175 <——EEL Video