Another early start to my day that went much better as my morning routine went off without a hitch. Bathroom stuff [mostly] done – caught up on the [sick and terrifying] world news…… Camera stuff all put together, batteries bump charged, and everything hauled out to the truck. A hearty tasty breakfast (couple of eggs, a chunk of turkey kielbasa type sausage [I’m getting where I actually kind of like that stuff], a biscuit with butter and honey and a glass of milk…… just the fuel needed for a morning of diving. My Queen came stumbling out and we got to have a coff of cuppee before it was time for me to grab my beer cooler and head out the door. I was really looking forward to today….. boat was supposed to be all experienced local divers – so no one should need to be tended to or baby sat……. turns out there were a couple that needed an eye kept on them, but nothing terrible. A friend had promise to take me to a point on the first dive that I have been wanting to see. Not a lot of people get to see it – so I was really looking forward to seeing it. It was just an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie-tiny bit deeper than “recreational limits” and just an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie-tiny bit deeper than my camera housing was rated for….. so I opted to leave my big camera on the boat. I did drag my little ole Go Pro along…… I figured if it sprang a leak – no major loss…… We left the rest of the dive group and lit off for ‘our dive’ [a total of 4 of us went]……… Let me tell you what………. I have had some great dives….. but this one was rapidly becoming a favorite…… we went through a thermocline (a steep temperature gradient in a body of water such as a lake, marked by a layer above and below which the water is at different temperatures) and BOY-HOWDY was it a different temperature….. WOOO-WEEE…… you could have cut glass with my nipples…. probably not appropriate… but very accurate….. Charlotte or Evie – if you’re reading this – I apologize….. and the water was soooo clear….. amazing….. if there would have been more light….. you could have seen forever…. WOW-!!!!! Without some real special equipment – you can’t stay very long at that depth that was just an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie-tiny bit deeper than “recreational limits” so we turned and headed back up to join the rest of the dive group. Didn’t get a lot of pictures as my little ole GoPro just can’t hold a candle to my other camera. Did our surface interval before doing our second, much tamer, albeit almost equally gorgeous dive. I tried to make up for lack of pictures from the first dive on this one… but don’t think I got as many as I wanted. Got back home and just got my gear rinsed when I was summoned into the ATV yard. I had to help retrieve a broken down ATV — another hour went by and that was done. Finally back at the house with my Bride, a drink and editing pictures. A buddy dropped by with a nice bottle of Vodka and some Cranberry juice as a show of appreciation for my help on the boat the past day or so……. we chatted a little bit and he was gone. A quick bite to eat (some pretty nasty) Bean with Bacon soup and grilled cheese…. and here we are. We both have the next 2 days off….. and nothing special planned…… so we’ll see what happens.
Good Night Ya’ll < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Thankx for stopping in~!