An easy start to the day yester morning after another pitiful nights sleep. A casual breakfast and relaxing before, donning our ‘work’ clothes and heading to mid-island for an evening of labor. I was bar back and my bride was bar maid for buckets of cold beer and “Blues” Margaritas. The visiting band from the states ‘Mama’s Blacksheep’ was busy on stage setting up and they were rapidly drawing in the crowd they usually do. This Duo have a draw of ‘regulars’ on this island and any of the places that hire them know it……. very good for business and usually requires extra staff to support the throng of folks that come to see them. Hence me and my bride being there when they are there. It’s a good thing too…. as this is their second set at Blues and the crowd was even bigger than their first show. We got their about 4:20 and set straight into work – and stayed “balls to the walls” for the next 4 hours. One last rush at 8:30 for ‘last call’ and we got to start winding down. I’m not saying “we are too old for this shi…. stuff”…… but I think we’re getting “too old for this stuff”. By the time we wrapped the place up, restocked, ran everybody off and finally got back to our end of the island… it was almost 11:00….. tired and worn out, we both agreed to skip showers and ‘stink’ and fell into bed. I can’t speak for my Queen – but I did miserable until about 03:00, when I got up to whizz, take 4 Ibuprofen and crawl back into bed. I managed a decent 3.5 hours of sleep until it was time to get up. A very comfortable slow start to the day today….. A scrumptious breakfast from Polly’s and just plain ole taking it easy after that. By Noon, my conscious got the better of me – and I manage to motivate my tired old butt to go out and cut grass. I REALLY didn’t want to – but the rest of the week is shaping up to be a lot busier than I initially thought and I didn’t want to have to contend with the lawn. ( I think I scored another [smaller] photo gig)
Looking forward to a pier dive with the island ‘kids‘ tomorrow. Been a long hot minute since I’ve dove the pier and the picture taking opportunities on that dive are almost unlimited. Especially tomorrows dive – which should be a nice easy relaxed dive that I can take my time and shoot all the pictures I want.
Made us a quick dinner of cheeseburgers tonight and while I write I am looking forward to a phone call with my Lil Sis and her ‘Damn Neighbors’… I think maybe talking about coming to visit us…… I am really looking forward to that call~!c So there you have it – a pretty standard lack luster day of Living the Dream…… but it’s our dream….. and so far working out really great for us~!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!