Woke up fairly early to the steady pitter-patter of rain falling…. I also woke up congested so bad I was struggling to get my breath…… I don’t know if I have managed to catch a bug of some kind, or that the fact it has been raining for almost 3 straight days and I have been out in it for two of those days or if during my trail clearing sessions I chopped up [and partially inhaled] God knows what that I have never been up against before. Whatever it is, is doing a hellva good job keeping me winded. Dammit Emmit~! I sat the first half of the morning and watched it rain while watching video’s on You Tube. My Bride made us breakfast when I couldn’t get through to the little place downtown we usually order out from. I think the rain may have had their phones FUBAR’d. I finally moved to the couch for a movie. We settled on a movie called ‘The Take‘. I thought it was gonna be kinda cheesy – but it actually turned out to be a lot better than I thought. Watched a really good one yesterday called Lakeview Terrace, with Sam Jackson in it. It was good enough even my Bride was yelling at the TV….. Watched one other movie yesterday – but it was so sad and pathetic I have forgotten the name of it…. thankfully~
Really about it…… It’s been almost 30 minutes since it quit raining…… hopefully we are done for a while. Our yard is in serious need of mowing but I haven’t been able to get it dry enough to mow. Mowing and weed eating the trails while was raining was different, because I wasn’t going for a nice clean, polished looking cut up there like I do here in the yard……
A little bit more bad/sad news from my Niece tells me that she thinks the time is near for my Sister…… so probably an above average chance I’ll be flying back to the states in the next week or so.
I pinged the dive shop and told them to take me off of the manifest for diving tomorrow. I have got to get rid of this congestion first…… when you’re struggling to breathe walking around your house, SCUBA diving is probably the last thing you should do. I have been staying well hydrated – popping aspirin and actifed all day and am feeling a bit better since this morning…… but not enough yet to try a dive…… maybe in another couple of days if I’m not heading back to the states.
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!