Up earlier than I cared for this morning but for the absolute wonderful reason of going diving…… On a small, very small boat load of people.. I had two very wonderful dives with one of my most favorite Dive Masters…. slow relaxed, just taking our time and enjoying the scenery…. I don’t get to do that very often……. lots and lots of pictures taken – but I only saved about 1/3rd of of them….. back here, gear rinsed and loading pictures…… my bride has managed to get me to the point where I can hardly walk or function…………… In the middle of all that, we got to spend multiple minutes on the phone with our Damn Neighbors…. such a delight~~~~~
What all this boils down to – is I am in absolutely no state – to try and conjure up 500 words tonight…. so I’m gonna put up a bunch of fun pictures for you and crawl into the shower………
Hanging out next to the pier tomorrow to snap some photo’s of a buddy getting his open water cert….. a fellow skydiver, bartender and all around good guy…… should be a hoot…………..
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~~~~!