A little clearer brain……..

After what has to be one of the most fitful, shortest night’s sleep I’ve ever had…. I finally gave up the fight in trying to get some sleep/rest shortly after my Bride got up this morning and rolled on out to join her in the start of our new day.  I should probably clue you in just a little bit and let you know, one of my little Sisters. [Susan] called me to tell me that after a visit to her doctor – she has been diagnosed with apparently pretty severe cancer around her spine. There is still a ton of details to be discovered (and there are more tests scheduled) but the ‘doc’ told her she should let her immediate family know…… and in my life time experience, tells me – that is usually not a good sign.  I wait with abated breath to hear back from her on her next visit with Doc -I always try to see the best in these situations, but I just do not have a good feeling about this one…….. I have never been a particularly religious person, but I ask any of your reading this, that is – to pray or keep good thoughts for her as this scenario plays out.

Seriously needing to defog my brain – I told my Queen I was taking off for a walk – going for distance on this versus speed or cardio. I had a route in mind that would give me ample time to try and sort this whole thing out in my brain [at least I hoped it would]. I came back in a much better place in my mind…… I stopped for lots of pictures and chatting for a bit with the guy that bought our truck – so my ‘time’ was down – but I have a new personal best on distance, some nice pictures for you – and have a better grip on the situation at hand now…… I hope.

Had to take a shower when I got back, because I was ‘that’ wet with sweat….. even though I was facing anther hot, humid day that will probably warrant another shower before I go to bed tonight. A shower out of the way, dried and mostly cooled off – I sat down and got pictures from today loaded, caught up on the internet world of news and FB before settling in on the couch for some TV time with my Queen. We watched one movie… ADRIFT. Based on a true story….. interesting…. albeit, predictable….. will give it a 5 out of 10. Still not as bad a PIG MAN. Angie whooped a up a concoction of tasty left overs while we finished the movie….. we started another movie – but we both agree we have seen it before and also agree it is not worth watching again. So gonna leave it here with you…… no calls from the dive shop, so my anticipated SCUBA dives will not happen ( I suspect weather is the biggest issue as we have had a couple of dandy thunderstorms roll through since I’ve been home) – but each new day brings renewed hope of getting back in the water soon~!

Good Night Ya’ll+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!


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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “A little clearer brain……..”

  1. So sorry for your news,,, and remember, you do not have to be a religious person to pray,as we are ALL sinners,and God hears all of our prayers, so please pray for her,as I certainly will, and for Rick who has to undergo another surgery toorrow to glue a spacer that came loose in his his knee,,,holding it open until infection gone and they can hopefully put in another knee,, the 4 th , as for praying, I have worn God out with Rick, and all the terrible crap in this world, and I know every demoniation of church’s teach the Lord’s Prayer, and we are taught to pray that,, which I do,then ask for prayers for so many,,, life sure doesn’t seem fair, my heart goes out to you , your sister and all your family, along with my prayers, religious is overstated,,,no one knows what is in another’s heart,,,as I said,we are all sinners , just have to ask to be forgiven and we are! Not preaching just know you are a good person! Your pictures are so beautiful,and today saw some trees,and vegetation don’t think had seen before. Thanks, wish I had something to tell you to watch, but I don’t. As this is my only entertainment, this and reading, I signed up for IMDb Not sure how I got it or how much, but has a lot of movies and series on it. It has the series Graceland, which was very good,,government agents, and lots of others plus great movies, then also signed up for CBS all access, has all the cbs shows, some I did not watch, like Seals etc, so with those, Netflix and Amazon prime,,, I can always find something, but have been watchig Hawaii 5-0 again, love that show, I probably pay $40.00 a month,maybe litttle more, but I never go anywhere, so well worth it. Think you would like Graeland if you can find it, guess I should be typing this on message not on here, can others people read this? Well too late now, so glad you are walking, my family is and grandkids and their mom ina contest I think something to do with steps,,,don’t understand just glad they are doing, i am probably over limit, don’t know how much you can type on here,,so goiod night,,, stay as positive,

  2. Hi Vera, thank you for such a lovely comment and sentiment….. I struggle some times with things going on in my world now…… a challenge here lately…… used to be in absolute control and command of everything….. and now some nights it’s all I can do to maintain control of myself……. Your comments can only be seen by everyone else if I ‘approve’ them….. and I approved this one, because it is a message I think everyone should be able to enjoy. Thank you so much for the kind words….. they really do mean a lot to me. Take care.

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