After a mostly miserable nights sleep…. we lost electricity about 11:00pm due to an AWESOME thunder and lightening storm last night. No electricity means no no A/C or fans…. and even though there was a nice cool breeze with the rain….. laying there in bed listening to the thunder roll across the Caribbean Sea [forever] – it was stuffy and too hot to sleep (unless you were in bed and already asleep…….) 😉 I got up and opened all the shutters, but it didn’t help very much. Thankfully, just after an hour or so , the juice came back and I got up [again] and closed all the shutters and fired up the A/C again. Sleep at last…. 01:20~ish……back up by a little after Six and at it – ready for a busy day…… or at least that’s what we both expected. A couple of more red flags from ‘Dude’ and I cancelled the car transaction…. just too many things not lining up…. playing the hunches.
Finally got a call from Home Depot and said they were on their way…. LOLOLOL… a half a dozen phone calls later and the delivery crew finally showed up. What a joke…… Home Depot should be ashamed of themselves for employing delivery people like that. However – the wash machine was finally delivered and I set about to unbox it and set it up. I had forgotten, most new washing machines do NOT come with water connection hoses, so I climbed into the truck and ran up to ye old hardware store for a ‘Y’ connector, a couple of hoses and an extension cord and before long, my Bride had her new wash machine connected and did a trial load to ensure it was working…. it was – so Yay~! By then it was close to 2:00, hot and breezy – so we relegated the rest of the day to watching movies. First one was pretty drab…. the second one was based on the actual events of 9-11 and was called United flight 93. That one struck a nerve has we watched…… I think the whole country needs to watch that one to remind them of that fateful day. My Bride made us a pork chop and some veggies[very tasty] for dinner and is now in the middle of watching The Jersey Boy’s…. the the acting so far leaves something to be desired – but a great sound track~! So batting 500 on the day – but hey, I’ll take it~! On this island – that’s doing pretty good~!
Just got a ping from the dive shop saying tomorrows dives have been cancelled due to impending weather. Oh yeah….. guess I should have mentioned that we have a storm brewing in the lower Atlantic that is expected to develop into a hurricane – and currently is heading right straight at us……….Dammit Emmit. My Bride is working at Blues tomorrow… so since I am not diving…. I’m thinking maybe heading to Home Depot and looking at generators….. after all, if we lose power for more than 6-8 hours – I’ll need ice and be able to keep my beer cold~!
Good Night Ya’ll ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Thankx for stopping in~!

Rainbow Parrot fish

P7250197 <—— Twinkling lights from under the pier at night video~~