Up and at ’em this morning in anticipation of a day on the trails….. was told that all machines are inspected and ready to go…… yay…. that always makes a day easier and usually more enjoyable. Arrived at our assigned time [9:15] which is normally more than PLENTY to get the machines brought across the road and lined up for the first tour. Not so much this morning…… We had to add oil to 3 different machines, fiddle with the ignition on one of them to get it started and and put a battery charger on another to get it started….. now running a little bit late – but we were waiting on another couple….. so we were ‘covered’ while we tried to get enough machines ready for the first tour. The last couple never showed up – so we took off without them…… the other folks shouldn’t have to suffer because of them……. The tour wasn’t terrible, as most folks behaved themselves and acted like they had half a brain….. I ‘called‘ one guy out as we hit the trails and told him, one more time – and we’re done – I’ll turn the tour around and it will end right then and there…… he wasn’t happy about it – but conformed to my requests and other than a few minor trips into the weeds by one of the other riders – the rest of the trip without a lot of issue…. until we got almost back. One machine was having charging issues and about 7 minutes from finishing the tour the machine died…… dammit Emmit~! I trid every trick I knew to get the machine started, but it was not gonna happen, so I pushed the machine off the road into the weeds, loaded the driver into the side by side with me and off we went. Now understand, at this point…. we are a solid 5 minutes behind the tour. The guide must have figured out what was happening and just kept going. So I had to catch up to him…… fun for me even though I’m reasonably sure I scared the wadding out of the guy riding with me. On that particular stretch of road – we usually do 25-30 mph…… I was doing slightly over 70 to get caught back up with the tour. Back in the yard, I heard the guy comment it was ‘fun’ on that part of the ride….. I should have taken a picture, but trying to be cool, I didn’t. This guy was wrapped around the post going up to the roof and his eyes were twice the size of silver dollars…… it was funny as hell to me – but I obviously couldn’t laugh at the poor bastard…… LOL [I can here] 😉
Second tour was almost slow motion compared to the first one – but am sure everyone had a good time and other than one young lady putting it in the weeds a couple of times – the tour went off without incident. A day off tomorrow, then back at it on Saturday for a long full day of 3 tours. Tomorrow I am going to assemble my lawn equipment and see if I can get the yard into presentable shape. I’m kinda looking forward to it – and kinda not. My Queen said I need to activate my ‘Map my Run’ app’ and see what it looks like when I’m done…. kinda silly – but I just might have to do it…. you know, for a $hits and giggle kinda thing.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for sopping in~!