Well – I managed to drag my touchas out of bed early enough to get all my morning stuff done, snag a morsel to eat, pack a beer cooler and head out the door to the dive shop for a tank of air. I met up with everybody – and headed out for our dive spot – which turned out to be about 2½ minutes from our house. Beautiful little beach that I walked by just yesterday. “Ahh it’s just a little bit of a kick out”…BULL COOKIES~! We kicked out for 37 minutes before finally dropping below the waves for some diving. And dive we did…… we dropped down almost on top of a giant green moray Eel – my most very favorite under water creature~! He was tucked waaay back in a cubby hole and I would have happily spent the entire dive watching him – but we agreed to all stay together – so I hurriedly snapped a bunch of pictures and caught back up to the group. Sadly, in my rush, I forgot to adjust the settings on my camera so out of a dozen shots – I got one picture that just barely qualifies as good enough to show you. Something I never had to contend with, with my little GoPro…… but I am now starting to learn and understand all those new settings and I really think it’s gonna pay off for me in the long run. About ¾ through our air – we started heading back for shore, wanting to spend as much time swimming under the surface as we could (remember it’s a lot easier)…. I swam as far as I could until my air gauge told me I needed to head for the surface. I was really hoping to be a LOT closer to the shore than I was when I popped to the surface – and wound up having a 27 minute kick in…… Dammit Emmit~! So- the old fat boy got a really good cardio work out today AND an hour and ten minute dive…..! I like the dive site – but don’t think I’ll ever do that kick out again to dive it again. I’ll wait until a boat is available to dive it~!
Dropped off my air tank, rinsed me and my gear off and started to set down to edit pictures when the electricity when out…… geez Louise this is getting old….. Thankfully, it was only out about a half hour- but with no fans, it gets pretty stuffy pretty quick and you do NOT get into the fridge, to keep the inside as cold as possible – because you never have any idea how long it will be out. I was happy I got to rinse everything before the power went out though. I finally got my pictures edited and spent the rest of my day with my Bride. We watched a ‘highly recommended’ movie….. Knives Out….. not bad — it makes you think and keeps you interested. I wouldn’t highly recommend it – but it’s not bad.
Good Night Ya’ll < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Thankx for stoppin in~!

My giant green Moray Eel
White Sea Urchin
Teeny tiny juvenile Trunk fish (about the size of a pencil eraser)