Ending this month, up fairly early after another mediocre night of sleep. A yummy breakfast of French toast, with sausage and bacon and we even had a some fresh Mangoes with it….. After breakfast – I sat down at the computer and like I usually do on the last day of the month – I sat and paid bills for the coming month. Actually I go on line and schedule them – but that way I can forget about them for the next couple of weeks in case I get busy….. which has not been a real challenge this past month or so – but they just announced the island is going to do a ‘soft’ opening and some closed business get to do a modified opening. I don’t guess that means much for me, other than the fact I may be able to start getting back in on some boat dives~! Here again, I digress….. I sit down and schedule payments for all due bills for the first half of the month, which I did. From there I moved to the couch with my bride and settled in for some Battle Creek – our newest series (Vera – I think you’d like this one!) We sat and watched it most of the afternoon and just finished it up. Only one season – but it was entertaining and there is not a lot of the typical blood, guts and explosions. There is some, just not the amount you are used to seeing. Had some good comedy in it too. My queen is now working on dinner (shake-n-bake pork chops) and I’m getting this done while she does it.
Really not a lot else to ramble on about. Still have lots of new dive pictures for you. I’m thinking I need to get another dive in here soon because….. well, just because. I hope you are all well and not going to stir crazy~~~~~~
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!
when I edited this – you could see the little white spec– you may have to blow it up now…..
After the dive chat…..
After dive snack 🙂
and ya gotta have dessert~!
They are wonderfully delicious~! (part of my birthday stash)
My new Chest of Drawers (5′ tall)