Gittin’ ‘er Done~~~

Up a smidge earlier than I cared for even though there were no fighting pussy cats or squalling peacocks. A coff of cuppee and mostly caught up on news, we both got motivated and set in to accomplish something today. We weren’t going to be picky – but wanted to get something done. Laundry all gathered up…. gad-zooks we had a bunch of it. Guess neither of us realized it with the moving and everything. Laundry loaded in the trucks and off we went. Dropped laundry off – that was a score if we didn’t get anything else done today. Drove on into Christiansted, dropped DD off at a carwash I know does a good job and then headed off back toward Home Depot. We picked up a couple of floor lamps for the living room, a couple of small lamps for the night stands, a small fan I’m trying to ‘engineer’ as a bathroom exhaust fan, some command strips so I could get some pictures hung up, an air conditioner for the bedroom and a handful of odds and ends we needed. I took my bride back to pick up DD and she took off for the grocery store while I hauled all the big stuff back to the house. My bride took the grocery part of her endeavor apparently a lot more serious than I thought. I unloaded the truck, got all lamps assembled (yes, there was some assembly required) and put in place, I got all the pictures hung, and a big handful of little odds and ends done and my Queen was still no where to be seen. I pinged her to make sure she was okay and she was….. just shoppin’ like a hell. She finally showed up and I humped ALL the bags of stuff into the house. Geesh – we shouldn’t have to go to the store for another month [I hope]~~

Everything unloaded, back in our comfies….. next line of business. Alcohol~! Speaking of which – I was in the mood for a nice cold beer when I got back. Reaching in the fridge I saw a can of Ginger Beer that we had inherited from somewhere, so I grabbed it. I personally thought it sounded disgusting – but I ‘preach’ try it before you dismiss it – so I did. I was Er-Mazed~! Had a pretty distinctive taste of Ginger Ale, which I like – so I wolfed it down…. I actually drank the second one while unloading groceries, before my Queen started mixing drinks for us…. Pretty durn tasty…. especially when it was ‘hurt your teeth‘ cold.

Not in the mood to cook – we opted for sammiches from our local deli. We each ordered something different and new to us. Mine was good, but loaded with something entirely to hot to handle, so I’ll not be ordering that again. My bride didn’t really care for the one she had either and after sampling it, I don’t blame her. Well – I guess they all can’t be good. An assortment of pictures from today~~~

Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!

Goodies from the states~!!

More goodies from the states – always a treat…

Living room starting to take shape..

From my Sugar Pop~~ <3

Also from my Sugar Pop~

View from across the alley (old Sugar Mill in the background)

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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

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