Sorry – when I went to title this – that song popped into my now alcohol soaked brain…… The day started out like most others, besides the fact we screwed around long enough to miss breakfast and went straight on into some lunch. Somehow or another hotdogs came up as a “something to eat” topic and before either of us knew it….. we were having Chili dogs for brunch…… An ice cold beer sounded good, so that’s what I washed mine down with….. a hellva good way to start the day every once in a while. The rest of the day was spent on devices while we wiled the hours away and are trying to conform to the isolation policies….. and it sucks~! Even here on the island where [other than the beaches now] you’d be hard pressed to realize there is any kind of stay at home policy in effect. It got to be 3:00 or so and my Queen indicated we would need milk to get through the weekend….. suspecting stores MIGHT be closed tomorrow as it is Easter Sunday. I eventually got up and roamed into town to a local store and picked up a quart of milk and some eggs….. which according to my Queen will hold us until she goes to the store on Monday. Monday here on the island is a holiday as well – but since there shouldn’t be anybody on the beach – I suspect the stores will all be open. Should be interesting to see if my theory holds up or not.
During ‘device’ time – we struck up a [text] conversation with our ‘Damn Neighbors’…… sure do miss those people~! After about a couple of hours (they were drinking [[too]] ) we finally decided to call and talk…. Jeesh what a good time. Turns out they are back up in the Harm now and living in their house for the time being. We talked for the better part of an hour and I’m fairly certain we at one point or another offended at least some of our current neighbors….. LOL. Probably not funny – but then again – it really is….. Can’t wait til the next time we get to get together…. We were supposed to see them when we came back in June…… DAMMIT EMMIT~! I’m still working on a mid year trip back though. Finally done with that talk and now in here chatting with you….. Couple of pictures from today and more dive pictures I don’t think you’ve seen yet. There is whisperings of another ‘working’ dive shooting video on Monday…. but gotta keep it on the down low, so…… SHHhhhh – don’t tell anybody~! 😉
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!
My Gorgeous Grand Daughter Charlotte – (My Sugar Pop) – 12 (going on 30)
My equally gorgeous Grand Daughter Evie ( My Squirt)…..
My handsome as get out Grandson Sam~! (Sammer Jammers)
Buds on our Mango tree in the backyard…. not sure if that’s where the fruit comes from yet or not.
My Queen under the Mango tree
Papaya Tree
This little guy runs around outside the window next to where I sit… shooting through the screen so pix quality leaves a little bit to be desired
This one too~~
This bush is amazing looking when the sun sets behind it — gonna take some practice to get the full effect of the shot that I want
Humming birds love this bush right outside our house….
Still trying to get ‘that shot’