The fun and things to do continue to ramp up here on the island as Steph and the boys settle into things to do on the island…… diving, snorkeling. Beach times are starting to extend as everybody acclimates to the island time and the climate. We have been having some severely meatball weather here lately – and sadly not a dang thing I can do about it…. but we have been doing our best to adapt to it. There has been a LOT of time in the water….. driving around checking out different places to swim at – but having fun regardless what we’re doing. There have been a couple of temper tantrums here and there, Pa-paws nerves have been tested several times…. but so far no explosions, heart attacks or meltdowns – so I’m scoring them all as a win~! Today did it’s very best to be a bust, but after traversing over half the island – we wound up on a gorgeous beach, suitable for swimming, snorkeling and throwing a water ball around. We fine tuned that with a hot dog, some really good Brisket and a more than fair amount of alcohol (go figure huh?) We opted to skip a day of diving this morning – but am resuming in the morning. For the most part – been having more fun than any 12 people ought to…… Soooooo much more to talk about…… fire dancers, cookouts, Moko Jumbies….. but just not enough time in the day to try and keep up with my Grandsons AND get pictures and stuff up. Trust me when I tell you, I have enough pictures for you for weeks….. will share with you as time wears on….. right now I need a shower and some shut eye. Tomorrow is diving and ATV rides~!! Will add to the collection of pictures…… but for now – pictures~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!

My “Mess” not feeling so good~~
Will found some Sea life
No – he is not peeing —- he is getting ready to return the Sea Life to the Sea
Letting the sand bury our feet
Oma actually got in the water~!
Checking out Pa-Paws hat~!