After a wonderful [booze] induce sleep – we were both up early this morning……. we skipped breakfast because we were supposed to travel out West once again to meet up with our island kids to discuss the past 2 weeks and get a bite to eat in the process. We talked about machine issues, things we think could have been done different or better [in our mind] — We discussed a couple of ideas that we think could generate some more [easier] money for their business and then began discussing some place to eat and DRINK because I was starving~! We finally moved the conversation down the road to Rhythm’s Bar at Rainbow beach, where the alcohol was cold and plentiful and the food was hot and delicious. Drinks were flowing, [eventually] the rain was falling to where we finally gave up and moved under cover and continued our conversation. Being the wizen old folks with a thousand years experience, we offered up ideas we saw from a third person perspective that may or may not help their business… after all, the only reason we are pitching in like this is that we are trying to get them going in the right strong direction…… the rest is up to them. They brought us (back from the states) a gorgeous set of rocks glasses (with our last name etched on the sides). They said they wanted to bringing something they knew we would use…….. boy did they hit that nail right square on the head~!
On the way home, we HAD to stop at Blues. It was their first day open for business after the holiday’s and we stopped, caught up with the crowd of regulars that was already there and had us 1 or 4 drinks…. Satisfactorily messed up – we needed to go gather up my truck (DD 2.0) I had dropped her off early that morning at a new cleaning station. She was ‘ in progress’ when I got there (6 hours later) so I sent my Queen on back to the condo and I waited……. and boy 0 boy was it worth the wait. This place knocked it out of the park. DD 2.0 was almost show room quality~~ I paid the (very fair price) and drove home like I owned the island. I’m here to tell you, I was shitt*n in tall cotton~! Back at the condo — in my comfies…. a drink (in our new glasses) and I am in my element. My Queen just set down a container of some left over hamburger helper and I’m sitting here regaling you fine folks of my escapades…… Probably 2 drinks more than I should have to write this – but what the hell……. I did manage several pictures from today that I hope you enjoy…….. tomorrow (when I’m sober) — I’m gonna get all the things done I should have got done tonight……. but ya know—tomorrow is another day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!