Got two more dives in this morning with wonderful vis (100’+) – sharks, eels, turtles…… just plain ole good stuff— BOTH dives~!! Back, showered and hungry enough to…… well, never mind~~ 😉 My Bride decided we needed to go to Blues for a bite to eat and a ‘drink or two’ BaHaHahAAaaaaa……. We each had a wonderful meatball sub…… MmMmMm good…… and a ‘drink or two’…..Hehehehehehehe…. I am not too d runk to type – but MUCH too tired…. so I’m gonna share some pictures of the night and a couple of pictures from my dives with you all….. I’m gonna put up my music trivia and then go to bed – will not pass – will not collect #200….. just go to bed……. 😉
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!

Not sure if it’s my eyes that are blurry — or the picture~!!