More dust, bumps and mud…..

Another day on the trails for our ‘island kids’….. 3 groups today — Thankfully, not a lot of machine troubles to deal with altho I suspect that may change on the next day or so’s rides….. 3 groups – all fun and a bit of a pain in the touchas as well….. all three tours are what I refer to as Grandma tours…. slow… slow….slow…… for me it makes the tour seems like it lasts forever — I figure it does for Jamal as well (tour guide) as he has to stop and wait for me to bring the slow ones up from the rear……. Still fun – watching folks who claim they are “comfortable” driving ATV’s and then seeing them on the trails. Kinda like my skydiving days, watching my ‘hotdog’ students [usually guys] who were all balls and brawn until that door came open…. LOL~!

3 tours – made for a fairly long day – especially rinsing the bikes off between each tour – sanitizing helmets – reloading drinking water and heading out and convincing the group you are as excited as they are about going on the tour. I’m not 100% sure I could do that every day – day in and day out and convey the excitement I know should be conveyed. For me now — mostly new to this – I can still do it easily….. after a month or so of 2 3, or 4 tours a day every day….. HMMmmm….. not so sure – so a new respect for the folks at Gecko’s Island Adventures that do it. Throwing folks out of airplanes provided it’s own brand of excitement – without a lot of effort from me…. so I just had to play on it. This – requires a bit more made up enthusiasm on my part….. I still enjoy doing it – although I can tell you without any doubt or reservation…. my old, fat worn out body is not on the same page as my brain…….  😉

A ‘day off’ tomorrow – to relax and let my body rest a little bit. Also get to spend some time with my Queen and get caught up on some episodes of SUITS. We have a very small, very informal Thanksgiving meal planned and looking forward to sleeping in, enjoying the day and each others company and not doing anything we don’t feel like doing.

We’re getting into the time of year that is most “painful” for us, as families start planning get togethers and enjoying the joyfulness of being together during the holidays while we are perched on our little rock here in the middle of the Caribbean. Awww… right ? There are perks to this life style and there is some ‘pain’ to this lifestyle – the secret, for us, anyway, is to find the right balance. For now though, we are working our way through it…… good and bad…… I hope for whomever is reading this – that you get to spend the day (or at least some time) with the people you love and regardless of what is going on – give thanks that you still can spend time with people you want to be around, the people who do the jobs that let the rest of enjoy our freedoms and privilege’s, or whatever it is you find your self being thankful for. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving~!

Good Night Ya’ll~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thankx for stopping in~!

Chilled and relaxed (and clean) waiting for the first tour of the day~!

My Queen getting the first group ready to go
On the dusty trail
Stop at the mountain high sugar mill
Nasty gross unintentional selfie that I found just funny as hell~~
2nd group
Hitting the road
Big ole mud puddle
Jamal giving his spiel
More mud puddles

It’s been a REALLLLLLY long dusty day…………

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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “More dust, bumps and mud…..”

  1. Playing in the mud,,,,hmmmm know you enjoy it, regardlessness of how your old body gets tired, right? Love the pictures, Jim and Beverly home from Dallas, will be with all my children and most grandchildren and great grandchildren tomorrow,,,can’t wait,,,,see most of this crew all the time, but having Jim and Beverly here to be with us really puts the icing on the cake, ,,Their children and families won’t be here ,and Rick and Debras family won’t be here but all rest will,,,so blessed, Jim doing lots of little odd jobs today, he loves it and so do I,,blowing leaves out of garage,,,,fixing door bell etc,,,just fun having them home and watching him find things to do to help MOM,,,Love it, so,,,my day will be great with all my kids & the Indiana fixings,,and ,,the special always, Debra’s dumplings,,,Judy bless her heart took over from me having this a few years ago, so really looking forward to just showing up,,,although I still make the dressing, hope you have a wonderful day, and know you are missed and loved by folks back where you used to be,,, ,hugs and love to both.

  2. Hi Vera – What a wonderful note to get to read….. It really pulls at the heart strings to read these mails from you. I love them. As I stated – this is the tough part of the year – when we would normally be wrapped up in kids and Grand babies up to our necks and all the joy and fun that is the holidays. I get such a wonderful perfect picture in my brain when I read your notes like this and while they do make me miss my crowd back in Indiana a little bit more – it makes my heart also sing to know that you are happy and able to enjoy the time with your people. I am so happy for you. I hope yesterday went exactly the way you was hoping it would go. You’ll see from my post tonight – ours went as well as we could hope for not being with our families. Thank you so much for such a wonderful letter. Take Care~~

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