I got to sleep in a tad longer this morning before succumbing to the urge to drain my bladder…… I really don’t want to complain about it – I’m getting a reasonably decent 7+ hours of sleep without having to get up in the middle of the night, so I’m doing better than most guys my age…. from what I hear.
Had a Board meeting of the dive club that I belong to (and am an Officer on the Board) today at noon at the Off the Wall bar and restaurant. Nice place, decent chow and dynamite views. It overlooks Cane Bay and just a wonderful place for any kind of get together. We ate lunch while we ‘worked’. I had a chicken salad sammich and my Bride (who went with me again) had a roast beef with dippin’ sauce. I also ordered me a pizza to go. A friend told me something he used to do with left over pizza and I have been dying to try it since. He said he would scramble up a couple of eggs and then the scrape the toppings off of a couple of slices of pizza into the egg mix, essentially making a pizza omelet. He said he would then ‘toast’ the crust and use it for his “toast” with his eggs. I’m not so sure about the toast part – but the pizza omelet sounds extra intriguing~!! I’ll let you know how that turns out~!
The Board meeting over with – we came back and I knocked out some paperwork from the meeting, then settled in for a couple of hours of Heartland. I’m still not real shot in the a$$ about it – but my Queen seems to really like it. It probably sounds ‘bad’ – but the show is just almost a little too ‘wholesome’ for me. That and there is entirely too much drama….. constantly~! There ain’t been one decent explosion yet and nobody cusses. I think I’ve heard ‘damn’ once since we started watching it. And everything always turns out perfect at the end of every episode…. it just don’t seem realistic enough I guess is what I’m getting at. I always have and always will prefer something that has at least a little action in it…. but I’m just a dumb old man….. what do I know ? 😉
I have another Board meeting in the morning for the other organization of which I am the Treasurer. We are having them every 2 weeks now as we ramp up for our biggest event of the year – a big fishing tournament. Last year was a massive success and we hope to build on that. It is a fund raiser and we raise money to support local veterans here on the island. So probably hit the sack early so we can be up and ready for that. I did manage a couple of new pictures for you today~!
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!

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My Queen and her phone……….